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ANSCOCA⁵⁶⁶⁴²BNC⁷⁵⁹⁹¹⁺¹² 基本英英搭配近义反义例句 abbr.答案=answerabbr.美国核能协会=American Nuclear Societyabbr.自主神经系统=autonomic nervous system
Noun: the part of the nervous system of vertebrates that controls involuntary actions of the smooth muscles and heart and glandsans.回答 近义词 autonomic nervous system自主神经系统… A fuller understanding of the ANS system could lead to a new model of the ANS revealing. 全面地理解这一天文制度可能会导致一种新型的天文揭示。 blog.sina.com.cn It’s very easy to hurt someone and then say“ sorry”, but it’s really very difficult to get hurt ans say“ I’m fine”. 伤害他人然后说“对不起”是一件很容易的事,然而,受伤害后说“我没事”却是一件很难的事。 putclub Stretching from the Ind-ian subcontinent to the western shores of the Americas, the region spans two oce- ans— the Pacific and the Indian— that are increasingly linked by shipping and strategy. 从南亚次大陆到美国西海岸,亚太地区涵盖了太平洋和印度洋。 伴随着运输和战略的发展,亚太地区正日益紧密地联系在一起。 ecocn Thanks for reading my post again. Sorry about that one, but i think my ans had the context. 听你的建议,回去又看了一下你的帖子,我可能有误会你意思的地方,不过你也有回答不清的问题。 iciba The ANS is actually a cycle of two oppositely spinning components called the SNS& PSNS. 荷兰天文其实是一个循环的两个张彦明纺纱元件名为 SNS的& psns。 blog.sina.com.cn Also called the Approximate Number System ANS, this innate ability has been studied in adults, children, infants and even non- human animals. 这种感觉称为“略估数字系统”,对于数感天赋的研究在成人,孩子,婴儿,甚至是非人类生物中都曾进行过。 www.kle100.cn But that table does not affect any bindings for other instances of the variable like x for ANS. 这时这个局部表就消失了,这个局部表将不会影响其它赋值,比方说像 ANS对应的 x变量。 v.163.com Controlling for age, vocabulary size and speed of taking the test, the group still found better ANS scores to be positively associated with children's early math abilities. 通过控制年龄,单词量,测试的速度,研究者们仍旧发现较高的“略估数字系统”得分与孩子早期的数学能力正相关。 www.kle100.cn Despite the results, the authors of the paper readily admit they cannot use ANS to predict math ability. 且不论研究结果,论文的作者很快承认他们不能用“略估数字系统”来预测数学能力。 www.kle100.cn Importantly, the ANS adjusts and modifies the internal bodily functions in response to stress. 重要的是,植物神经系统调整和改变内部躯体功能以适应压力。 cadjy Plus we've brought in some more mid tempo ans up tempo songs for this album. 而且我们在这张专辑里放了更多的中板歌曲和快节奏歌曲。 tingroom Results The middle line through ANS and perpendicular to zygomaticofrontal line has less mean of middle structure index and side middle structure index. 结果以过 ANS点垂直于两侧颧额点连线的直线为面中线,其正中结构指数和侧方结构指数均值较小。 cnki She has been a photographer since1992, when she graduated from Ithaca College, in New York with a degree in Cinema ans Photography, her specialty took two years to be discovered. 她毕业于纽约伊萨卡学院,获得电影和摄影学位,从1992年开始成为摄影师,她花了两年时间发现她的专长。 yeeyan So far, researchers suggest that the accuracy of a person's ANS improves throughout childhood. 迄今为止,研究者指出一个人的“略估数字系统”的准确度从童年开始变好。 yeeyan The researchers gave71 ninth graders2 series of tests designed to measure their ANS skills. 研究人员对71个九年级学生进行了2个系列的测试,用来评估他们的 ANS情况。 yeeyan Then I'm going to write a function ans quest called answer question, or ans quest, designed to actually address the original question. 然后我将要编写一个,叫回答问题的函数,或者说是,目的是,解决原始问题。 v.163.com This capability, referred to as the approximate number system ANS, is normally present in infants and improves with age. 这种能力,可称之为略估数学系统 ANS,在婴儿时期就存在并随着年龄增长而增强。 yeeyan This finding suggests that problems with the ANS may underlie math difficulties for children in this group. 这个发现假设 ANS的缺陷可能是导致实验组孩子们数学学习困难的原因。 yeeyan Under the agreement, the companies plan to combine the carbon infusion technology of ANS with Owens Corning's reinforcements expertise to create a family of next- generation composite materials. 根据协议,公司计划结合 ANS公司的碳注入技术和 Owens Corning公司的强化装备经验,来创建下一代复合材料系列。 www.etiri.com.cn We rely on ANS skills in daily life, such as when we estimate which line will move more quickly at the grocery store. 在日常生活中我们随时会用到它,比如在杂货店能大致估计排哪条队伍比较快。 yeeyan When the ans review of life back, don't feel face on humbled two characters. 当俺们回顾回头人生的时候,别老觉得自己脸上写着憋屈二字。 haoqq Ans3: Right brain is in its most active state during early age 0-3. 在幼龄时0-3,右脑正处于最活跃的阶段。 iciba |