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词汇 Anqing City
释义 Anqing City
Analysison Children Nutrition State of Daguan District of Anqing City.安庆市大观区儿童营养状况监测分析
Anqing City, Anhui Province, China 210, South Jixian, Star Advertising Co., Ltd.2008安庆市新星广告有限责任公司,保留所有权利。
The camphor tree yellow is a common disease in Anqing city and the value of these tree landscapes were decreased seriously.樟树黄化病是安庆市樟树的一种常见病害,严重影响了城市景观和绿化效果。
Objective To investigate and compare the different styles of food consumption in Nanyang City,Henan province and Anqing City,Anhui province.目的通过对河南省南阳市和安徽省安庆市农村中老年居民的膳食调查 ,比较两地食物消费模式的异同。
This is based on the West Side Street inverted expense lion Church, inverted expense lion Heritage Streets in the Old City of Anqing City area.这是立于街西口的倒扒狮牌坊,倒扒狮古街位于安庆市老城区内。
This article talks about the establishment of the forcasting model based on Matlab by using the past eight-year data olserved of TSP density in Anqing city.对大气TSP浓度的影响因素进行分析,得出TSP浓度的模型可以用GM来建立。 并以安庆市近8年的TSP浓度监测数据,借助M ATLAB建立预测模型,为环境保护工作提供理论依据。




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