

单词 Interferons
释义 Interferons ˌɪntərˈfɪranz COCA¹¹⁰⁸⁰⁸BNC¹⁰⁴⁵⁸⁴⁺Economist²⁹⁹⁰¹⁺
干扰素类¹⁰⁰原型interferon的复数 Intralesional injection of different interferons for CA was effective.
局部注射不同的干扰素治疗尖锐湿疣具有一定疗效。 cnki

Ancillary pathways are also activated by the interferons, but their effects on cell physiology are less clear.
辅助的通路也通过干扰素被激活,但是它们对细胞生理学的影响还不清楚。 chinapubmed.net

In a recent study, Grubman found that interferons— proteins produced by the immune system— can offer protection during that first week.
在最近一次研究中,格鲁曼发现干扰素免疫系统产生的蛋白质在疾病发生的一周内具有免疫作用。 yeeyan

It is suggested that potentiation is related to different cellular receptors of the two types of interferon and different biochemical pathways through which interferons exert their antiviral effects.
故认为协同作用的产生与两型干扰素的细胞受体不同以及抗病毒的生化途径不同有关。 cnki

Objective: Using LDH release assay detect the antiviral activity of Interferons.
目的:应用 LDH释放法测定干扰素生物活性。 cnki

These interferons are different chemically, and each works best on cells related to those that produce it.
这些干扰素在化学性质上不一样,而且各自对产生它的有关细胞作用最佳。 kuenglish

InterferonsIFNs have widely been used as immunotherapy for patients with bladder cancer, but the outcomes have not been satisfactory yet.
干扰素被广泛应用于膀胱癌患者的免疫治疗,但是到现在为止效果一直不理想。 blog.sina.com.cn

Interferons, a cytokines family, a re capable of producing multiplex biological effects, and have remarkable curative effects on hair cell leukemia and chronic myelogenous leukemia.
干扰素是能够产生多向性生物学效应的细胞因子家族,在毛细胞白血病、慢性髓细胞性白血病治疗中疗效显著。 cnki

Interferons are produced by the immune system to fight infections and tumors.
干扰素在免疫系统中是用来对抗感染和肿瘤的。 dxy

Interferons are so named because they interfere with virus replication.
干扰素的得名是由于它们对病毒的复制活动进行干扰。 yeeyan




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