

单词 interbedded
释义 interbedded 英ˌɪntə'bedɪd美ˌɪntə'bedɪd BNC⁷¹⁸¹¹
adj.互层的³⁴层间的;镶嵌的³³;混合的³³原型interbed的过去分词 A new PDC bit design is presented to optimize its performance in the multi- interbedded formation, by modifying the pattern of cutting elements on conventional PDC bit.
针对胜利油田多夹层地层特点进行了 PDC钻头的优化设计,突破了 PDC钻头单一切削元件模式。 cnki

Although more and more PDC bits are used in drilling operation, but the results of drilling in the hard and soft interbedded formation are not desired.
PDC钻头在钻井破岩中所占比例越来越大,但在软硬交错的多夹层地层钻进时效果却不理想。 cnki

The plantations and natural forests clearly differentiate into special layers and contained a certain number of interbedded lianas.
人工林与天然林空间层次分化明显,而且还有一定数量的层间藤本植物。 magsci

The thickness of ultra thin interbedded layer reservoirs was less, there existed crossing distribution of reservoirs with good and poor physical properties and it was hard for numerical simulation.
超薄互层油藏储层厚度极小,且物性好与物性差的储层交互分布,模拟难度大。 cngascn

The thickness prediction of thin layer or thin interbedded strata is an important part of lateral reservoir prediction.
薄层、薄互层厚度的预测是储层横向预测的一个重要环节。 cnki

A shale formation with sandstone interbedded is also a potential oil bearing formation.
以泥岩为主,夹砂岩的地层也可能是油气层。 dictall

After one year, injection pressure dropped and apparent water injectivity index rose, and interbedded injectivity behavior was improved in the injection wells.
试验一年以后,水井注水压力下降,视吸水指数上升,层间吸水状况得到改善; zshg

As the beach bar sandstone was thin and was interbedded with mudstone, it was hard to identify from normal seismic data.
滩坝砂岩由于单层厚度小,与泥岩呈互层分布,利用常规地震资料难以分辨。 cnki

Based on the geological characters in thin interbedded area and request of resolution, we determined the primary frequency kept and the acquisition parameters used in our study.
根据薄互层地区地质特点,以及所要达到的分辨率的要求,确定了所要保护的主频频率和施工参数。 cnki

Hetaoyuan member is composed of thin interbedded shales, dolomites and sandstones. The porosity and permeability of reservoir are poor.
核桃园组以页岩、白云岩及砂岩薄互层为主,储层的孔渗性变差。 cnki

In the paper, the authors also have a discussion on the environment of forming the interbedded metamorphic volcanic rock in the strata.
对该地层所夹变质火山岩的形成环境,本文亦进行了讨论。 cnki

It is still a tough problem how to predict the low- permeability thin- interbedded reservoir.
如何进行低渗透薄互层的储层预测,目前还是个难题。 cnki

PDC bits have been used to drill the homogeneous formation from soft to medium- hard, but they are not suitable for drilling in gravel and multi- interbedded formation.
PDC钻头用于软到中硬的均质地层钻进具有钻速高、寿命长等特点,但不适合含砾石地层和软硬交错地层。 cnki

The article describes the regulation of the joint in the soft and hard interbedded rock, establishes a discrete joint network model of the interbedded rocks.
叙述软硬互层状岩体中的裂隙发育规律,并由此建立了互层状岩体渗流的离散裂隙网络模型。 dictall

The second group belongs to interbedded cleavage controlled by lithology.
第二种劈理为层间劈理,受岩性控制。 xuebao.jlu.edu.cn

The Taipingdong gold deposit is a carlin-type gold deposit dominated to impure limestone in host, which ore bodies occurred within thrust fault zones and fractured zones of interbedded faults.
太平洞金矿床是主要以不纯石灰岩为容矿岩层的卡林型金矿,金矿体产于逆冲断层和层间断层破碎带中。 cnki

The study of reservoir interbedded heterogeneity has always stayed on the concept model settled only on the core well analysis data.
对储层层间非均质性研究,往往停留在仅仅依靠取心井分析资料而建立的概念模型上。 cnki

This paper presents the PDC bits with the satisfactory testing result in the multi- interbedded formation.
介绍了一种复合式 PDC钻头,该钻头在多夹层地层钻井施工中取得了较好的试验效果。 cnki




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