

单词 interactional
释义 in·ter·ac·tion·al 英,intər'ækʃənl美,intər'ækʃənl 高COCA⁴⁵³²⁴BNC³⁷⁴⁶³iWeb⁴⁸⁴⁰⁵

capable of acting on or influencing each otherinteract-ional⇒adj.相互作用的⁵²;相互影响的⁴⁸近义词 interactive相互作用的

用作形容词Cushioning foaming material is a kind of polymer comprised of a lot ofinteractionalpolyhedron pores.摘要缓冲发泡材料是有许多相互作用的多面体气孔的聚合体。
Theinteractionalmechanics characteristic between such kind of complex underground structures is difficult to realize.这类复杂的软基基础结构与土体相互作用的受力机理相当复杂,目前相关的研究资料比较少。 And the converse is also true: Find ways of increasing the information flowing through your interactional site.
反过来也是如此:在交互性网站上看看能不能加点信息。 ibm

In other words, the goal is to have the patient be the one who leads the interactional dance without having to be overly influenced by concerns for the therapist's wishes and needs.
简而言之,这样做的目的是使得来访者可以主导两者关系的互动而无需因为关注咨询师的愿望和需求并受到影响。 anorpsy

The machining quality of the hole is difficult to control because of the interactional complexity between laser and material.
由于激光与材料相互作用的复杂性,使得小孔加工质量很难控制。 cnki

As a violating personality character, extorting a confession by torture is the interactional outcome of both the inborn and postnatal acquisition.
刑讯逼供这一侵犯性人格特质是先天和后天习得两者相互作用的结果。 cnki

Chapter four: The complex interactional mechanisms of urban geographical spatial system.
第四章城市地理空间系统相互作用机制的复杂性。 cnki

Even though you'll rarely build a site that is purely informational, or purely interactional, identifying your site as strongly leaning toward one or the other is key.
即使要构造一个纯信息性,或纯交互性站点,确定站点趋向哪个方向也很关键。 ibm

Getting back to the idea of hybridization, even the most interactional site must at some point present information.
回到两者兼有的构想,即使最具交互性的网站,也会在某种程度显示信息。 ibm

If information sites seek to minimize interruption, interactional sites seek to maximize interruption.
如果信息站点是寻求最小化中断,那么交互性站点就是寻求最大化中断。 ibm

If your site isn't primarily informational, it is most likely interactional.
如果您的站点主要不是提供信息的,则很有可能是交互性的。 ibm

It was good in some way: Having reached the threshold of interactional nastiness, yet desiring to stay together, left these two with no other choice but to figure out how to improve.
在某些方面也是有好处的:已经到了谈话的糟糕点,但仍希望在一起,那剩下的选择就只有找出改善关系的关键。 yeeyan

Most interactional sites are actually hybrids.
大多数交互性网站实际兼而有之。 ibm

Social psychologists emphasize group- related phenomena, such as identity and social motivation, and the interactional and large social contexts of learning.
社会心理学家强调与群体相关的现象,例如身份和社会动机,学习中的互动环境和大的社会环境。 blog.sina.com.cn

There are interactional relations between the development of high-tech industry and the development of regional economy.
高新技术产业发展与区域经济发展之间存在着相互作用的关系。 cnki

This thesis, theoretically, analyzes all kinds of main thermal environment parameter factors and interactional mechanics which influence generation of mine shaft heat disaster.
本文从理论上分析了影响矿井热害产生的各主要热环境参数因素及其相互作用机理。 cnki

Thus, even interactional sites are really hybrids: a combination of information and interaction.
因此,即使是交互性网站也是兼而有之:信息和交互的混合。 ibm

Tourism flow is the interactional results between destination and domestic tourist markets.
旅游流是旅游目的地与客源地之间相互作用的结果。 cnki

Whether you decide your presence needs to be more informational, or more interactional, or if it's fine the way it is, the important thing is to think about what you're doing.
无论你决定其样式更具信息性,还是交互性,还是现在刚刚好,重要的是考虑现在正在做的。 ibm

You might wonder why you need to focus on the distinction, or divide, between interactional and informational.
您也许会想,为什么要关注其区别,或者说,要把信息性和交互性这两者分开来。 ibm




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