释义 |
integrated set短语⁶³⁷³¹ 基本例句 集成装置 The filling speed of lost foam cast iron casting was measured by use of an integrated set of experimental equipment and a specially designed computer acquisition system. 通过完整的消失模试验装置及计算机数据采集系统测试了铸铁件消失模的充型过程。 chemyq Among the most successful vendors were those that controlled an integrated set of operating systemOS, hardware and services. 最成功的公司是那些控制着一整套操作系统、硬件和服务的公司。 yeeyan ESAD system is an expert system developing environment formed in an integrated set of models that are used in aided decision domain. ESAD系统是一个模块组合式的用于辅助决策领域的专家系统开发环境。 cnki Using the same preliminary transformation for both testing and estimation gives us an integrated set of procedures for the full analysis of mixed linear models. 将该变换用于检验和估计中,将产生一整套用于全面分析混合线性模型的计算过程。 cnki |