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词汇 anonymous
释义 anonymous əˈnɑːnɪməs 
a.匿名的written by a person whose name is unknown

with name unknown


done or made by sb whose name is not known or stated

having no known name or identity or known source;

anonymous authors

anonymous donors

an anonymous gift

not known or lacking marked individuality;

brown anonymous houses

anonymous bureaucrats in the Civil Service

发音释义:ə'nɒnɪməs adj. 匿名的,无名的;无个性特征的
结构分析:anonymous =an没有+onym名字+ous形容词后缀→匿名的
用作形容词 adj.
~+名词anonymous donation不具名的捐赠anonymous letters匿名信anonymous lobby平淡无奇的大厅anonymous phone匿名电话anonymous task默默无闻的事业
GRE红宝书an非, 无, onym名称-无名称的-匿名的
a + no 无 + nym = name→无名
an+onym名称+ity→ 无名称→匿名
词根记忆an无+onym名字-ous拥/具有…的→无名的,匿名的an没有+onym名字+ous形容词后缀⇒匿名的。词根记忆an无+onym名+ous近义词 namelessimpersonal反义词 nameddistinctive
~+ n.It is an anonymous letter.这是一封匿名信。
An anonymous benefactor tried to abstract this story for a book report.一名不愿透露姓名的捐助者试写出这篇故事的梗概,以供写书评使用。
S+be+~The writer wishes to remain anonymous.作者希望姓名不公开。
The carriage was pitch dark, and it was anonymous .车厢里黑洞洞的,谁也认不出谁来。


用作形容词It is unpleasant to receiveanonymousletters.接到匿名信是一件令人不快的事。
The man was arrested after ananonymoustip-off.有人匿名举报后,那个人被抓了起来。
The author chooses to remainanonymous.作者愿不署名。
Ananonymousauthor wrote this book.这本书出自无名氏之手。
Ananonymouswell-wisher bailed the prisoners out.一个不留姓名的好心人把那些在押犯保释出来了。adj.unknown, usually by choice
同义词 nameless,undisclosed,unidentified,unnamed,unsignedJane/John Doe,Xbeardingincognito,innominate,pseudo,pseudonymous,secret,such and such,unacknowledged,unattested,unavowed,unclaimed,uncredited,undesignated,unspecified,what's his/her name,whatchamacallit,whatsis,you know who
反义词 known,namedidentified
incognitoadjective in disguise
bearded,camouflaged,concealed,disguised,hidden,incog,isolated,masked,masquerading,obscure,under assumed name,unknown,unrecognized
low profileadjective obscure, anonymous
unbeknownstadjective unknown
unheraldedadjective unsung
unidentifiedadjective secret
anonymous,mysterious,nameless,not known,pseudonymous,unclassified,unfamiliar,unknown,unmarked,unnamed,unrecognized,unrevealed
unknownadjective obscure, mysterious
X,alien,anonymous,concealed,dark,desolate,distant,exotic,far,far-off,faraway,foreign,hidden,humble,incog,incognito,little-known,nameless,new,remote,secret,strange,such and such,unapprehended,unascertained,uncelebrated,uncharted,undiscovered,undistinguished,unexplained,unexplored,unfamiliar,unheard-of,unidentified,unnamed,unnoted,unperceived,unrecognized,unrenowned,unrevealed,unsung,untold An actor may be human or machine, and its identity may be anonymous or known.
参与者可能是人或机器,其身份可以是匿名的,或者是已知的。 ibm

An anonymous letter containing money came to me this morning and I do not know what to make of it.
今天早晨收到一封无名氏的来信,信内还附有钱,我不明白这是怎么回事。 kekenet

The mask started its revolutionary career as the public face of the Anonymous movement.
面具作为公众匿名运动的标志,开始了它的革命生涯。 yeeyan

“ He is not an idiot but rather a very cunning demagogue, ” says the note on Hitler by an anonymous agent, seen by Reuters.
“他不是白痴,而是一个非常狡猾的煽动者。”路透社看到的便笺上,一位匿名工作人员在便笺上这样说希特勒。 yeeyan

And what of the anonymous craftsmen?
而那些籍籍无名的工匠呢? ecocn

By design, closures are anonymous functions, which means they do not appear in the reflection API.
按照设计,闭包是匿名函数,这意味着它们不显示在反射 API中。 ibm

Each chunk is executed as the body of an anonymous function.
每个块都是作为一个匿名函数体来执行的。 ibm

For those worried about using it, the developers insist that they have built in enough security to enable users to remain anonymous.
对于那些担心使用它的人来说,该程序的开发者强调它有足够的安全让使用者保持匿名。 ecocn

He just laid off the last of his15 employees, he says, because he feared for their safety after they received anonymous telephone threats.
由于手下的员工先后受到匿名电话威胁,出于为他们的安全考虑,他不得不先后解雇了最后这15名员工。 ecocn

I don’t expect you to understand anything about anonymous criticism.
我不期待你理解任何关于匿名评论的事情。 yeeyan

If an actor is anonymous, its identity has no impact on the system.
如果参与者是匿名的,则它的身份对系统没有任何影响。 ibm

If the days of anonymous browsing are not over yet, some observers think they soon will be.
一些观察家认为,即使匿名浏览的日子现在还没有结束,但是很快即将终结。 ecocn

If so, then within that language, types likely can no longer be anonymous.
如果这样,那么在该语言中,类型可能不再是匿名的。 ibm

In order to share data between anonymous functions and the function that contains them, it is common to use closures.
为了在匿名函数和包含它们的函数中共享数据,常用的方法就是使用闭包。 infoq

In this case, you used an anonymous inline function, also known as a closure.
在这个案例中您使用一个匿名内联函数,也称为一个闭包。 ibm

Instance initializers allow you to execute construction code for an anonymous inner class.
实例初始化器允许您为一个匿名内部类执行构造代码。 ibm

Other roles you create cannot differentiate between anonymous users and authenticated users, so some auditing of permissions for these essential roles is likely warranted.
您创建的其他角色不能区分匿名用户和通过身份验证的用户,因此有必要审计这些关键角色的权限。 ibm

Put several files in that directory, and allow anonymous directory listings.
在该目录中放置一些文件,允许匿名目录列表。 ibm

Since the “ locals” used by an asynchronous functions are actually fields on an anonymous class, they must be retained for the duration of the call.
由于在异步函数中所使用的“局部变量”实际上是某个匿名类中的字段,因此在调用期间它们必须被保留。 infoq

This code uses an anonymous inner class, but you may also use named inner classes or independent classes as listeners.
此代码使用了一个匿名的内部类,但您还可以使用指定的内部类或单独的类作为监听器。 ibm

This function returns an anonymous visitor function that will jump to the next node if the node is not of the correct type.
此函数返回一个匿名访问者函数,如果节点的类型不正确,则该函数将跳转到下一个节点。 ibm

This is the theory, of course, behind Weight Watchers or Alcoholics Anonymous.
落后的减肥中心或匿名戒毒会,当然,那是理论上的。 yeeyan

Try not to use anonymous types in schemas.
不要尝试在模式中使用匿名类型。 ibm

When a closure“ captures” a variable it“lifts” the variable out of its local scope and effectively moves it into an anonymous object.
当一个闭包“捕获”一个变量时,它就会将这个变量提取出它的本地范围,移到一个匿名对象里。 infoq

Why do we dislike the anonymous types in listing4?
我们为何不喜欢清单4中的匿名类型? ibm

Why is it anonymous?
为什么它是匿名的? yeeyan

Anonymous services operate without requiring the identity of the consumer at run time.
匿名服务在运行时不需要消费者的标识就可以进行操作。 ibm




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