

单词 an onion
释义 an onion短语²⁵⁸⁸⁷
A stew without an onion is like a dance without a tambourine.
烧菜没有洋葱就像跳舞没有手鼓。 iciba

The balls were up in the air: water slowly coming to a boil on the stove, meat seasoned on a plate sitting on the butcher block. She stood beside the sink dicing an onion.
水蒸气飞上了天空,炉子上的水慢慢的翻滚起来,调好味的肉在屠宰间的盘子里静静的放着,她站在水池旁边切洋葱。 yeeyan

To create the olive, king of all trees, a hundred years is required. An onion plant is old in nine weeks.
造物主创造树中之王橄摊树需要一百年的时间,而洋葱经过短短的九个星期就会枯老。 hxen

His device, made from plastic and titanium, is the same size as a human heart but with five chambers arranged like the layers of an onion.
这种新型人造心脏使用的材料是塑料和钛,大小与人体心脏相同,但拥有五个心室,层层的心室壁像洋葱表皮。 ecocn

Meat guru Bruce Aidells remembers that his grandmother, who kept a kosher home, always had an onion- and carrot-smothered brisket for Hanukkah served alongside crispy potato pancakes.
肉食专家 Bruce Aidells回忆说,他的祖母在家里煮犹太菜,光明节那天总吃洋葱胡萝卜炖牛胸肉,配脆脆的土豆煎饼。 yeeyan

Not only that, but the first electrons to pop off were from an inner region of the atom, like if you peeled an onion starting with the second layer.
不仅如此,第一个弹出的电子来自原子内部区域,就像剥洋葱时从第二层开始。 yeeyan

That situation has often been compared to peeling the skins of an onion.
这正如一层一层剥下洋葱皮。 yeeyan

This can be pleasant: After her mother's death, one woman noticed that she wipes down the sink, cuts an onion and holds a knife just as her mother used to do.
这个过程可能是令人愉快的:有个女人在母亲去世后发现自己洗水池、切洋葱乃至拿刀的姿势和母亲生前的姿势一样。 dict




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