

单词 insular
释义 in·su·lar 英ˈɪnsələ, ˈɪnsjə-美ˈɪnsəlɚ, ˈɪnsjə-AHDĭnʹsə-lər, ĭnsʹyə- ★☆☆☆☆高四GT宝八COCA²⁸⁹¹⁴BNC²⁷²⁵¹iWeb²³⁸⁸⁹Economist⁵³⁵⁸¹⁺¹

relating to or characteristic of or situated on an island;

insular territories

Hawaii's insular culture

suggestive of the isolated life of an island;

an exceedingly insular man; so deeply private as to seem inaccessible to the scrutiny of a novelist

narrowly restricted in outlook or scope;

little sympathy with parochial mentality

insular attitudes toward foreigners

来自拉丁语insula,岛,词源同isle.引申词义岛屿的,岛国狭隘思想的。insular slope岛坡insular arteries岛动脉insular climate岛屿性气候insular part岛部insular lobe岛叶insular shelf岛基台,岛架…insular prejudice岛国的偏见
GRE红宝书insular = island岛屿; 参: peninsularadj 半岛的
源自island,insular 去掉n, u,岛国人心胸不开阔
insul岛屿+ar形容词后缀→岛屿的⇒孤立的,与世隔绝的,狭隘的。词根记忆insul岛+ ar ⇒岛屿的词根记忆insul+ar近义词 narrow有限的limited有限的provincial省的alienated疏远的cloistered隐居的parochial地方性的contracted收缩了的blinkered心胸狭隘的narrow-minded气量小的inward-looking注重内心精神的…反义词 continental大陆的

用作形容词A continental climate is different from aninsularone.大陆性气候不同于岛屿气候。
The British caricature themselves as a nation ofinsularxenophobes.英国人自嘲为惧怕外族、与世隔绝的民族。
They areinsular--and proud of it.他们保守,并对此感到自豪。adj.narrow-minded
同义词 circumscribed,isolated,parochial,pettybigoted,closed,confined,contracted,cut off,detached,illiberal,inward-looking,limited,narrow,prejudiced,provincial,restricted,secluded,separate,separated,sequestered
反义词 broad-minded,unbiased,unprejudiced
Romance languagenoun languages derived from latin
Catalan,Continental,French,Indo-European language,Italian,Italic language,Latin,Portuguese,Provencal,Spanish
clannishadjective exclusive, select
conventionaladjective unoriginal
bigoted,bourgeois,button-down,commonplace,conforming,conservative,demure,doctrinal,dogmatic,drippy,hackneyed,hidebound,humdrum,illiberal,in rut,inflexible,insular,isolationist,lame,literal,moderate,moral,narrow,narrow-minded,not extreme,not heretical,obstinate,parochial,pedestrian,prosaic,puritanical,rigid,routine,rube,run-of-the-mill,sober,solemn,square,stereotyped,straight,strait-laced,strict,stuffy,uptight
localadjective of a community, restricted to immediate area
localizedadjective local
narrow-mindedadjective biased, intolerant
bigoted,conventional,hidebound,illiberal,insular,narrow,opinionated,parochial,petty,prejudiced,provincial,reactionary,short-sighted,small-minded,strait-laced,unenlarged The fact that the deal has passed off without interference widens the door to further cross- border activity in an insular industry.
但并购交易最后并未受到刁难, 此事实为这一保守行业今后的跨国行动开启了方便之门. ecocn

The logical solution to this dilemma would be immigration, but China's culture appears far too insular for such an event.
解决这个问题的正确方案应当是移民,但中国的文化显得过于狭隘,限制了这类活动的进行。 yeeyan

Yet the unrest affects Japanese firms in particular because of the increasing technical sophistication of Chinese manufacturing, and Japanese firms’ insular management practices.
劳动力的不安定尤其影响日本的企业,一方面是由于中国制造业的技术精度逐渐提高,另一方面是日本企业孤立的管理方式。 yeeyan

But actually, the American economy is quite insular; exports account for only about 10% of it.
事实上,美国经济非常封闭,出口部分只占到了它经济的10%。 yeeyan

But as Edwards’s tale progresses, it becomes clear that, for all Google’s praiseworthy qualities, the company is hampered by a narrow perspective and an insular culture.
但是随着爱德华兹故事的进行,这家公司值得表扬的品质逐渐变得明朗起来,受到一个狭隘的视角和孤立文化的牵绊。 yeeyan

But firms are growing increasingly disenchanted because the process is slow and insular.
但是企业对此模式已经越来越不满意,因为这一创新过程过于缓慢也太过封闭、孤立。 ecocn

But insiders worry that new users perceive Wikipedia as “ uninviting” and “ insular”.
但业内人士很担心新用户会认为维基百科“缺乏魅力”、“与世隔绝”。 ecocn

But insiders worry that new users perceiveWikipedia as“uninviting” and “ insular”.
但是业内人士担忧新用户会认为维基 “不受欢迎”、“与世隔绝”。 yeeyan

Conservatives will not be able to understand the elusive nature of Obamaism and counter its formidable appeal until they remove the impediment of their own insular, rigid ideology.
在消除自身孤立、死板的意识形态之前,保守主义者们无法理解奥巴马主义的逃避本质,也无法反击他那令人畏惧的诉求。 yeeyan

DESPITE their world- beating multinational companies and their export- led post-war economic miracle, the word“ insular” might have been invented with the Japanese in mind.
尽管有举世瞩目的跨国公司和出口引领的战后经济奇迹,在日本人心中“狭隘孤岛”这个词也许一直与其相伴而行。 ecocn

EUROPE, it is said, must resist the temptation to become a giant Switzerland: ie, a smug, rich, insular place.
据说,欧洲必须要抵制其变成巨型瑞士的诱惑:即,一个自以为是的、富裕的、思想偏狭的国家。 ecocn

However, even if such pressure is applied by Myanmar's Asian neighbours, there is no guarantee that the paranoid, insular and incompetent generals will pay any attention.
然而,即使缅甸的亚洲邻居会施加这样的压力,仍然不能保证这些偏执的,孤立而且无能的将军们会三思而后行。 ecocn.org

Indians, like Americans, can be insular, believing that their huge country is the centre of the world.
印度人可能和美国人一样自以为是,认为他们伟大的国家是世界的中心。 sdo

It was very insular, a walled garden.
它很孤立,像一座有围墙的花园。 yeeyan

Its insular status had allowed Spain to hold on to its“ ever- faithful isle” for seven decades after it lost its colonies on the American mainland.
该国的孤立状态使西班牙在美国大陆失去其殖民地之后,仍能占领古巴这个“永远效忠的岛国”达70年之久。 ecocn

Japan, an insular Asian country that also has a character- based language, is dominated by two American search providers, Yahoo and Google.
例如日本,这个有着独特文字系统的东亚海岛国家,被两个美国搜索引擎公司统治着:雅虎与谷歌。 yeeyan

That insular model has now begun to change— but not to Bombardier’s advantage.
这种孤立的模式现在已经发生变化,但这并未给庞巴迪公司带来什么好处。 ecocn

The reason, he explains, is that the site feels more insular and exclusive than in the past.
究其原因,他解释说,是感觉到该网站比过去更为封闭且排外了。 yeeyan

The tsunami brought India’s insular fishing community in touch with the outside world for the first time.
海啸使得印度的这个与世隔绝的渔村首次与外界取得联络。 worldbank

Their dashed journey underscores the insular nature of the Pakistan and Afghan militancy.
他们的失败之旅证实了巴基斯坦和阿富汗交战的孤立特点。 yeeyan

They are toiling inside the sunny, insular bubble that the web industry has grown up inside.
他们都沉浸在一个“色彩斑斓”、“与世隔绝”的泡沫里,而互联网行业就是在这个泡沫里发展壮大。 fortunechina

Insular, or just broke?
是孤立,还是破产? ecocn




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