

单词 instigating
释义 in·sti·gate 英'ɪnstɪɡeɪt美'ɪnstɪɡeɪt COCA⁵⁹⁸⁶³BNC⁵³⁶⁰⁶Economist²²⁰⁹⁹⁺
provoke or stir up;

incite a riot

set off great unrest among the people

serve as the inciting cause of;

She prompted me to call my relatives

近义词 prick刺start开始pique生气incite煽动weight重量actuate促使agitate煽动aggress攻击stir up搅拌inspire鼓舞prompt迅速的initiate开始activate激活irritate激怒originate发起bring about带来animate使有生气set off出发,动身

用作及物动词Theyinstigatedhim to the evil deed.他们教唆他做坏事。
He wouldn't throw the rock if that boy did notinstigatehim.要不是那些男孩子怂恿他,他不会扔那块石头。
Heinstigatedthe ending of a free working lunch in the company.他煽动取消公司的免费工作午餐。
He accused union leaders ofinstigatingthe disturbances.他指责工会领导鼓动骚乱。as in.behind
同义词 causingat the bottom of,concerning the circumstances,initiating,responsible for
behindpreposition being the reason for
at the bottom of,causing,concerning the circumstances,initiating,responsible for“ Our results provide evidence that bone marrow functional activation can be governed on a systemic level by endocrine factors that are released by certain instigating tumors, ” conclude the authors.
作者们认为:“我们的研究结果显示骨髓功能活化在全身水平上可能受控于某些肿瘤细胞释放的内分泌因子。” dxy

One measure of success for TEEB will be instigating a fuller discussion of alternative ways to realise the value of nature. And that is likely to take quite a long time.
TEEB要想成功,可采取的一个办法就是推动人们进行充分讨论,讨论如何实现自然保护的商业价值,而这可能需要相当长的时间。 ecocn

Some North Korea experts say that could lead to problems over the next few years, as the son may try to build strength by pushing out opponents and instigating provocative military acts.
一些研究北韩问题的专家说,金正银可能会试图通过打击异己,发起挑衅性军事行动来加强自己的权力,因此可能导致今后几年出现麻烦。 www.voanews.com.cn




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