

单词 inspection team
释义 inspection team短语⁷⁹⁹⁷⁸⁺
The inspection team of municipal party committee in the company of head of Qingjian county Ma Zhidong, came to our center to check our work.
榆林市市委检查组在清涧县县长马治东的陪同下,来我中心检查工作。 zgqjz

The inspection team is now making a tour of some factories.
检查团正在巡回视察几家工厂。 cnki

The inspection team may be divided into several groups and manned with necessary working personnel.
检查组可分为若干检查小组,并配备必要的工作人员。 pkulaw

Many of them have been employed by Shanghai Municipal Construction Engineering Safety Quality Supervisory Center as key members of Shanghai Reconnaissance-and- Design Quality Inspection Team.
许多专家被“上海市建设工程安全质量监督总站”聘为上海市勘察设计质量检查组骨干成员。 dictall

The departments and local authorities concerned shall support the work of the inspection team and provide it with true information and other necessary assistance.
有关部门和地方应支持执法检查组的工作,提供真实情况和其他必要的帮助。 lawinfochina

UN inspection team is headed to the reactor to confirm the news.
联合国调查组前往反应堆并确定此消息。 putclub




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