

单词 inside
释义 in·side 英ɪnˈsaɪd, ˈɪnˌsaɪd美ɪnˈsaɪd, ˈɪnˌsaɪdAHDĭn-sīdʹ, ĭnʹsīd' ★★★★☆中高四六研牛4COCA¹⁰⁸²BNC¹¹⁹⁴iWeb¹²⁵⁵Economist¹⁵⁵⁴


the part near the middle of sth

A内部的; 里面的; 内侧的

forming the inner part of sth; not on the outer side


on or to the inner side of sb/sth; within


of time in less than sth

the region that is inside of somethingthe inner or enclosed surface of something
relating to or being on the side closer to the center or within a defined space;

he reached into his inside jacket pocket

inside out

an inside pitch is between home plate and the batter

being or applying to the inside of a building;

an inside wall

confined to an exclusive group;

privy to inner knowledge

inside information

privileged information

away from the outer edge;

an inner lahne

the inside lane

within a building;

in winter we play inside

on the inside;

inside, the car is a mess

with respect to private feelings;

inwardly, she was raging

in reality;

she is very kind at heart

inside, in




inside, into

二者均可表示“在…里面”,inside常指与外部相接的内部; into仅表示由外入内。

inside, within

这两个介词都可表示“在…里面”。但inside是一般用语,其使用范围较为广泛; 而within则是比较正式的用语,在大多数情况下用来指范围较大的地方,指较小的地方时一般强调限于这一范围之内。








用作名词 n.
动词+~paint the inside of the house给房子内部涂漆介词+~on the inside在〔从〕里面from the outside to the inside由表及里~+介词the inside of…的内部〔内侧〕
用作名词n.inside out

〈非正〉彻底地,完全地thoroughly; completely

on the inside

使用内车道using the lane that is furthest away from the center of the road or motorway

蒋争熟词记忆in-里;内side边;面⇒里面;内部;内侧小学英语速记合成词:in在…里+side边→在…里面in-里;内side边;面⇒里面;内部;内侧钱博士in内部+side边⇒里面近义词 intointeriorinternaln. inner partprivateprep. ininterioradj. inner反义词 outeroutsiden. exterioroutsideadj. openpublicprep. outside
用作名词n.He did not see the inside of the house before he bought it.他买这栋房子前也没进去看看里面是什么样子。
The inside of an orange is full of juice.橙子里面充满了汁液。
This lock can only be opened from the inside.这把锁只能从里面打开。
My insides are crying out for food.我饿得肚子咕咕直叫。用作形容词adj.
~+ n.I keep my wallet in an inside pocket.我把钱包放在里面的口袋里。
I have inside information of their plans.我有关于他们计划的內部消息。
The theft appeared to have been an inside job.这件盗窃案看来是内部人干的。用作介词prep.Two minutes later we were inside the taxi.两分钟以后我们已经坐在出租车里面了。
The original owner had written his name inside the cover of the book.本书原来的主人已在封面内侧写上了名字。
He had to keep the food inside him if he was going to live.如果他想活命,肚子里得有食物。
He will be back inside two days.他将在两天内回来。
I looked inside the house.我朝屋子里面看了一下。
The young man stepped inside the door.那个年轻人跨进了门。
Fury continually rose inside me.怒火在我心头越烧越旺。
We have had a map of the game inside our heads.我们心里已经有了一幅如何进行比赛的蓝图。
There have been bombing raids up to 150 kilometers inside the country.这个国家有150公里的地带一直遭受轰炸。
I was just inside the speed limit.我离超速只差一点点。
They did a great deal of good work inside the trade unions.他们在商业工会内部做了大量的有益工作。
He parked his car inside of the gate.他把汽车停在大门里面。
She will be here inside of an hour.她一小时之内会到这儿。
The car broke down again inside of a mile.开了不到一英里,汽车又抛锚了。
The pressure inside the container is much greater than that outside the container.容器内部的压力要远远大于外部的压力。Pinside-deviation内面偏差


inside用作名词时的基本意思是“里面,内部”,常用于单数形式, the inside of表示“…的内部; …的里面”。



inside表示位置时作“在…里面; 在…内侧”解,也可用inside of表达此意,后者常见于美式英语中; inside还可作“在…肚内; 在…胃〔肠〕中”解。

inside表示时间时作“在…之内”解,也可用inside of表达此意,也为非正式用法。

inside表示方向时作“往…里面; 朝…内侧”解。

inside表示状态时作“在…心中; 在…心里”解。

inside表示范围时作“在…范围〔界线〕以内”“在…界限以内; 不超出…的限制”解。


inside of表示距离时作“在…距离以内,不出…范围”解。

用作形容词All theinsiderooms were skylighted.所有里面的房间都装了天窗。
Maybe it is in yourinsidepocket.它可能在你衣服里面的口袋里。用作副词She shook it to make certain there was nothinginside.她把它摇了摇,想知道里面确实没有东西。
We have to playinsidebecause it is raining.因为天下雨,我们不得不在屋里玩。用作名词The driver behind me tried to overtake on theinside.我后面的驾驶员想从内车道超过我。用作介词He parked his carinsidethe gate.他把车停在大门里面。adj.in the middle;interior
同义词 indoorscentralinner,innermost,internal,intramural,inward,surrounded,under a roof
反义词 exterior,external,known,outer,outside,publicadj.secret
同义词 classified,closet,exclusive,limited,privateconfidential,esoteric,hushed,internal,restricted
反义词 unlimited,unrestrictedexterior,external,known,outer,outside,publicadv.within
同义词 indoorsunder a roof,under cover,within doors,within walls
反义词 exterior,outsidenoun.middle, lining
同义词 innards,interiorbelly,bowels,breast,center,contents,gut,heart,recess,soul,stuffing,wombinner portion
反义词 exterior,exteriority,outside,periphery
at heartadverb in reality
at bottom,basically,deep down,fundamentally,in essence,in spite of appearance
bosomnoun heart;core
centeradjective middle
at halfway point,centermost,deepest,equidistant,inmost,inner,innermost,inside,interior,intermediary,intermediate,internal,mean,medial,mid,middlemost,midpoint,midway
centernoun middle point
axis,bull's-eye,centrality,centriole,centrum,core,cynosure,equidistance,essence,focal point,focus,gist,heart,hotbed,hub,inside,interior,intermediacy,kernel,mainstream,marrow,middle-of-the-road,midpoint,midst,nave,navel,nucleus,omphalos,pith,pivot,place,polestar,quick,radial point,root,seat
centersnoun middle point
capitals,cities,clubs,concourses,crossroads,focal points,focuses,hearts,hubs,malls,marketplaces,markets,marts,meeting places,metropolises,nerve centers,plazas,polestars,shopping centers,social centers,stations,towns,trading centers
confidentialadjective secret
arcane,backdoor,classified,closet,hush-hush,hushed,inside,intimate,off the record,private,privy The girl was tightened up inside.

The slum must be inside you.
贫民窟一定是在你内心. yeeyan

What goes on inside your brain when you exercise?
当你锻炼时你的大脑内部酝酿着什么? yeeyan

What happens to my gas inside?

Because the experience happens inside of us.
因为这个体验是发生我们自身内部。 yeeyan

But, as he wrote in1969, he was not so sanguine inside.
但是,如他在1969年写到,他的内心并不安详乐观。 iciba

He concealed the key inside his tie.

It helps you not be inside so much.
它能帮你不在心里憋太多事情。 yeeyan

Just like the inside of the office.
就像是办公室的内部环境一样。 cri

Potting up green plants in the house will purify the air inside.

The piston is reciprocating inside cylinder.

The hermit is the Buddha inside of you.
这个隐修者就是你内心深处的佛。 yeeyan

Then I go clockwise along the inside curve, then back along the slit.

Then you have accidents in the spent fuel outside of containment. This is inside and this is outside.

There is a child inside all of us, whether we realize it or not. And sometimes we return to that child like state.
不管我们是否意识到,在我们所有人内心都有个小孩,而有时候我们会回到那个孩子的状态。 yeeyan

There, inside, looking up at her, was the newborn pig.
在那里面抬头望着她的,正是那只新生的小猪。 www.chinadaily.com.cn

These are the inside global addresses.
这些地址就是内部全局地址。 yeeyan

They entered her body, and then they ate her up from the inside.
他们进入了她的身体,然后从里面开始把她吃掉。 yeeyan

When appropriate, we certainly recommend considering this technique, as it should work independent of the software inside the image.
如果合适,我们当然建议考虑使用此技术,因为它可以独立于映像内部的软件而工作。 ibm

Why do I measure the length inside instead of outside?

Without thanking her, he flipped quickly to an article inside.
他也没感谢她,快速地翻看里面的一篇文章。 yeeyan

Yet the value of a library is not the books inside, but the expertise in managing data.
然而,图书馆的价值并不是里面的图书,而是管理这些资料的专业技术。 yeeyan

You have this power inside you. We all do. It is all about how we choose to use it.
你内心也有这种力量,我们都有。关键是我们选择怎样运用它。 yeeyan

Inside, there will be me.
里面,将是我。 yeeyan

Inside every cell in all organisms, there are strands of DNA.
所有生物的每个细胞内部都存在 DNA分子链。 yeeyan

Inside of a model.
一个模型的内部。 yeeyan




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