

单词 inseminated
释义 in·sem·i·nate·d 英ɪn'semɪneɪt美ɪn'semɪneɪt COCA⁹⁵⁴²⁹BNC⁹⁷²³³⁺Economist⁵³⁵⁸¹⁺¹
place seeds in or on the ground;

sow the ground with sunflower seeds

introduce semen into a female近义词 sow播种fertilize施肥impregnate注入fertilise施肥于fecundate使多产pollinate给 … 授粉

用作及物动词The farmers plow andinseminatein spring.农民在春天犁地播种。
The young Severino would watch with fascination while his uncle, a veterinarian, would artificiallyinseminatecows on surrounding farms.年轻时的安提诺里,会陶醉地看著他的兽医叔叔,为邻近农庄的母牛做人工授精。 Among them 73 donors were inseminated with X- sorted sperm to product sexing embryos in vitro.
结果表明,用已分离的 X精子冷冻精液对超排母牛进行人工授精生产体内性控胚胎是可行的。 dictall

“ I inseminated myself with the sperm of the husband of another woman and later gave birth to the child, whom I would never meet again, ” Xiao said.
小凡说:“我通过另一个女人丈夫的精子使自己怀孕,随后生了一个小孩,但这个小孩我却不会再见到他。” tesoon

Bai Yun gave birth to a cub in1999 after she was artificially inseminated. Her offspring, Hua Mei, is the first U.S.- born panda to survive into adolescence.
“白云”在1999年接受人工受精后生下了一只幼仔,它就是“华美”,是第一只出生在美国并成长到青春期的大熊猫。 www.chinadaily.com.cn

Conversely, a willing female should be more easily inseminated.
而相反,一只心甘情愿的雌性会很容易得授精。 ecocn

During ovulation, the woman is then artificially inseminated with the concentrated sperm.
排卵期间,用该浓缩精子使妇女人工受精。 www.naturalherb.com.cn

Each year, she will be artificially inseminated on what industry terms a“ rape rack” or with the farmer's arm. A cow's natural life span is about 20 years.
每年,母奶牛会被赶到行话里称作“蹂躏架”的设备上受孕,或者由饲养员用手臂做人工受精。 yeeyan

Egyptian culture inseminated Crete and Greece.
埃及文化哺育了克里特和希腊。 scientrans

If sows come on heat routinely and are inseminated correctly and hold in- pig, then everything else seems to follow in an orderly manner.
如果母猪经常来的热量,是正确和配种举行猪,然后一切似乎遵循有序。 taiwan-swine

Sperm from a pedigree bull is artificially inseminated; a few days later the fertilized ova are washed out of the fallopian tubes and transferred to the uteri of ordinary cows.
用一头纯种公牛的精子进行人工授精,几天后将受精卵从输卵管冲出,移植到普通母牛的子宫里。 jukuu

Surrogate shall be artificially inseminated with the semen of Natural Father by a physician.
代孕妈妈将由医生用生父的精子进行人工受精。 aa69

The profile of peripheral plasma FSH levels before and after ovulation induced by different seminal plasma samples injected intramuscularly or inseminated in the camel was also investigated.
本研究还用此方法测定了肌肉注射精清诱导排卵前后母驼外周血浆中 FSH的变化。 cnki

Then, the eggs are counted and inseminated in a laboratory.
接下来,实验室会数一数有几个卵子,并进行受精。 yeeyan

Use insemination with home-made device in dogs to make4 bitches in heat artificial inseminated, two of them pregnant, conception rate is50%.
采用自制犬用输精器对4条发情母犬进行人工授精,其中两条受孕,受胎率为50%。 boshuo

We inseminated at home and it took us almost a year to get pregnant.
我们在家里人工受精,接近一年的时间我们才怀孕。 yeeyan

Inseminated females of the blood-red ant invade wood ant nests, steal the pupae, and the ants that hatch are made to work for the strange queen.
受精的雌性血红林蚁侵入木蚁窝偷取蚁蛹,孵化的蚂蚁被迫为这位奇怪的女王充当奴隶。 yeeyan




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