

单词 insecticide
释义 in·sec·ti·cide 英ɪnˈsektɪˌsaɪd美ɪnˈsɛktɪˌsaɪdAHDĭn-sĕkʹtĭ-sīd' ★☆☆☆☆高四GIMT宝八COCA²²⁷³⁰BNC³⁵¹⁶⁹iWeb¹⁴⁸⁶¹Economist³⁴³¹⁸⁺³

a chemical used to kill insects词根词缀: in-向内+-sect-切割→insect昆虫 + -i-中缀 + -cid-切 + -eorganic insecticide有机杀虫剂bait insecticide饵杀虫剂chlorinated insecticide氯化杀虫剂stomach insecticide胃毒杀虫剂vegetable insecticide植物杀虫剂residual insecticide后效杀虫剂,滞留杀虫…agricultural insecticide农用杀虫剂soil insecticide土壤杀虫剂chemical insecticide化学杀虫剂poison insecticide有毒杀虫剂contact insecticide接触杀虫药剂,触杀剂…bacterial insecticide细菌杀虫剂persistent insecticide持久性杀虫剂,残留性…viral insecticide病毒杀虫剂insecticide resistance抗杀虫性microbial insecticide微生物杀虫剂…carbamate insecticide氨基甲酸酯类杀虫剂…systemic insecticide内吸性杀虫剂…
GRE红宝书insectn 卑鄙的人; 昆虫, I, cide杀一杀虫剂
insect 昆虫 + cide 杀
insect昆虫+I+cide 杀 →杀昆虫的东西→杀虫剂
insecti+cidecut,切,杀→可以把昆虫杀死的东西⇒insecticide n.杀虫剂词根记忆insect昆虫+ i + cide杀→ 杀昆虫的东西 ⇒杀虫剂词根记忆insect昆虫+cide近义词 pesticide杀虫剂insect powder杀虫粉insect repellent杀虫剂bug juice大路货烈性酒…fly spray喷蝇油,灭蝇喷射油…

用作名词The gardener sprayedinsecticideon the flowers.那园丁给花喷洒了杀虫剂。
The pad is impregnated withinsecticide.垫子上满是杀虫剂。as in.herbicide
同义词 defoliant,fungicide,pesticideDDT,paraquat,weedkiller
herbicidenoun poison
DDT,defoliant,fungicide,paraquat,pesticide,weedkiller The need to implement the WHO Global Plan for Artemisinin Resistance Containment, and to develop a global plan for insecticide resistance management in malaria vectors, were also emphasized.
此外,还强调要实施世卫组织《控制青蒿素耐药性全球计划》,并制定一项关于疟疾病媒中杀虫剂耐药性管理的全球计划。 who

Detection of insecticide resistance should be an essential component of all national malaria control efforts to ensure that the most effective vector control methods are being used.
杀虫剂耐药性检测应是各国疟疾控制工作的一项重要内容,以确保使用最有效的病媒控制方法。 who

Genetically modified GM agriculture could play an important role, as this technology can greatly increase yields while using smaller inputs of fertiliser, insecticide and water.
由于转基因农业技术在降低化肥、杀虫剂和水利灌溉等投入的同时可使产量剧增,因而它能在未来扮演重要角色。 ecocn

Here in the United States, genetically engineered GE crops have been grown on a large scale since the mid-1990s, with documented reductions in insecticide use and production costs.
在美国,自从1990年代中期以来转基因 GE作物就在大规模地种植,有资料证明减少了杀虫剂的使用和生产成本。 yeeyan

Indoors, you put a white sheet on the ground, spray some insecticide on walls and ceilings, and the mosquitoes literally drop at your feet.
在室内,你在地上放一个白床单,然后在天花板和墙上喷上一些杀虫剂,蚊子就一个一个地掉在你的脚边。 yeeyan

The insecticide is the product of a bacterial gene inserted into GM maize and other cereal crops to protect them against insects such as the European corn borer beetle.
这种杀虫剂是细菌基因植入到转基因玉米和其它谷类作物的产物,以防治欧洲玉米螟甲虫之类的昆虫。 yeeyan




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