

单词 inputting
释义 in·put·ting 英'ɪnpʊt美'ɪnpʊt COCA⁹⁷⁵⁹³BNC⁵⁷⁹⁹⁵Economist⁵³⁵⁸¹⁺¹

action of putting sth in

vt. 把…输入计算机

put information, data into a computer

signal going into an electronic systema statement that expresses a personal opinion or belief or adds information;

from time to time she contributed a personal comment on his account

any stimulating information or event; acts to arouse actiona component of production; something that goes into the production of output
enter data or a program into a computercomputer input计算机输入command input命令输入antenna input天线输入arbitrary input任意输入asynchronous input异步输入clear input归零输入,清机输入…automatic input自动输入contact input接点输入angle input角输入analog input模拟输入,相似输入…balanced input对称输入combinatorial input组合输入batch input批量输入air input进气量anticipated input抢先输入input/output control system输入输出控制系统…input/output control输入输出控制…
input-ting⇒n.投入;输入信息²;输入数据³;信息输入端v.输入⁸⁸n.输入端;放入物;投入物;电自动化输入量;计输入信息²;输入程式;物输入信号;电输入功率;输入电压;输入电路;投入的资金;投入资源;进料;进货;供给;供应问题;依靠v.给料;输入⁸⁸信息把…输入电脑近义词 say说key键idea主意enter进入store商店effort努力intake吸入key in键入record唱片remark评论comment注释feedback反馈response反应keyboard键盘stimulus刺激involvement卷入stimulation刺激stimulant兴奋剂contribution贡献participation参加input signal输入信号反义词n. & v. output
用作名词n.The project requires the input of more labor.这一项目要求投入更多的劳动力。
As the input of energy is increased, the volume gets louder.随着能量输入的增加,音量变得更大。用作动词v.
S+~+ n./pron.Have you inputted the new data yet?你把新数据输进电脑了吗?
The computer acts as a word processor where the text of a speech can be input at any time.计算机是一个文字处理器,可随时输入说话的原文。
用作名词I'd appreciate yourinputon this.我将感激你在这方面的投入。
Theinputwas larger than the output, so they lost money.投入大于产出,所以他们亏本了。
The state has further increased itsinputin the family planning undertaking.国家进一步加大了对计划生育事业的投入。
There are several errors in theinput.输入中有好几处错误。
Twoinputkeys don't work.有两个输入键有毛病。
The most popularinputdevice is the terminal.最通用的输入设备是终端器。用作动词I haveinputtedthe data into a computer.我已经把数据输入到计算机中了。
We use a keyboard toinputthe data.我们用键盘把数据输入电脑。as in.download
同义词 load,log incompute,computerize,digitize,initialize,input,program,runboot up,crunch numbers,key in,keyboard,log out The use of BBID will provide users with the ability to seamlessly switch their devices by inputting their BBID on their new device.
通过在新设备中输入他们的 BBID, BBID就爱能够为用户提供无缝切换他们设备的能力。 yeeyan

After inputting all values, it is time to run to test the component by clicking the Continue icon as shown in Figure46.
在输入所有值之后,单击图46所示的 Continue图标,开始运行测试组件。 ibm

Consider inputting data in this GUI.
考虑一下该 GUI中的输入数据。 ibm

I provide services to about fifty customers, inputting orders, pushing payments, handling complaints and so on.
我负责约为50客户提供咨询,,输入订单,推动付款,处理投诉等。 tingvoa

It is convenient to show the shock response of cushioning packaging systems when inputting the relative shock, material and product parameters.
只要输入有关冲击、材料和产品特征参数,便可方便地显示缓冲包装的冲击响应。 cnki

It might involve omitting especially awkward readings; or where, for example, a heat source like an airport has sprung up alongside a weather station, inputting a lower temperature than the data show.
其间可能涉及到略去一些偏差较大的实验数据,亦或,热源比如说飞机场靠近气象站时,实验结果的输入就比实际数据要低一些。 ecocn

Last thing to say is why would you want to have exceptions? Well, let's go back to that case of inputting a simple little floating point.

Team members are developers, or testers, or users, who are responsible for inputting data.
团队成员就是开发者,测试人员或者用户,他们负责输入数据。 ibm

They will locate the position and download the route to the driver in seconds thereby saving them time scrolling through the address book or inputting postcodes.
系统可以在几秒内找到定位,并给司机下载行车路线,从而节省他们翻阅的地址簿或通过输入邮政编码的时间。 yeeyan

This paper introduce the design and implementation of an application generator for inputting programs.
本文介绍了一个输入应用程序生成器的设计思想和实现过程。 cnki

This function is great for inputting dates and numbers.
这个功能在输入日期和数字时非常有用。 ibm

This is far from ideal from a user perspective, as they prefer real-time feedback when they are inputting data.
从用户角度看来,这很不理想,因为用户更喜欢输入数据时能得到实时反馈。 ibm

This option is useful if you are planning on inputting the parser output into a spreadsheet.
此选项有助于把分析器输出导入到电子表格中。 ibm

Today, I think many Chinese bloggers are transferring themselves into Modern Chinese by continuous inputting and outputting their thoughts online.
今天,我认为中国许多的写博客的人正通过在线表达阅读或创作而变为一个现代的中国人。 yeeyan

Users also can search manually by inputting addresses or cities.
用户也能输入具体的地点和城市来搜索酒店。 yeeyan

Users have to“ jump” from column to column in order to find the right association of input field and label before inputting data.
用户需要在列于列之间跳跃寻找标签和输入框之间合适的组合。 yeeyan

Inputting the offset distance: input it in the offset distance edit bar.
输入偏心距离:在偏心距编辑框中输入偏心距。 tianya




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