

单词 Inoue Yasushi
释义 Inoue Yasushi
On one side Yasushi Inoue admired Chinese culture extraordinarily ,but on the other hand he also showed a little disdain .井上靖一方面对中国文化充满了景仰,另一方面又显示出些许轻蔑。
This thesis will analyze the opinion of Yasushi Inoue about China according to the Japanese people all through the ages.本文将结合日本对中国看法演变的历程,来分析井上靖中国观形成的原因。
Abstract Yasushi Inoue is a famous Japanese writer after the world second war.He had created many works all though his life.中文摘要井上靖是日本二战后一位著名作家,他一生创作颇丰。
So, it is not exaggerated to say that this short story reflects one of the most important characters of his works, hence, a typical “emblem” of Yasushi Inoue as a writer.毫不夸张地说,这个短篇浓缩着井上靖文学的一个母题,是作家井上靖用以验明正身的“徽章”。




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