

单词 inoffensive
释义 in·of·fen·sive 英ˌɪnəˈfensɪv美ˌɪnəˈfɛnsɪvAHDĭn'ə-fĕnʹsĭv ☆☆☆☆☆高T八COCA⁵⁶⁷⁹²BNC³⁸⁹¹¹iWeb³²⁹⁸²Economist⁴¹³⁰³⁺²

not causing anger or annoyance;

inoffensive behavior

giving no offense;

a quiet inoffensive man

a refreshing inoffensive stimulant

substituting a mild term for a harsher or distasteful one;

`peepee' is a common euphemistic term

in-,不,非,offensive,冒犯的。in-不|无-offensive⇒adj.无害的⁵⁹;没恶意的³¹;不讨厌的¹⁰adj.不触犯人的;不让人讨厌的;不伤人的近义词 dull呆滞的safe安全的mild温和的bland温和的harmless无害的innocuous无害的euphemistic委婉的unobjectionable难反对的unoffending不惹人生气的…反义词 offensive令人不快的

用作形容词He never killed aninoffensiveanimal.他从不打死一只无害的野兽。
English bees are gentle andinoffensivecreatures.英国蜜蜂是一种温顺的、不伤害人的生物。
He is a quietinoffensiveperson.他是位安静、不冒犯别人的人。
Borges's political opinions were not consideredinoffensive.博尔赫斯的政治意见在一定程度冒犯了他人。
He has aninoffensivemanner.他的举止不令人讨厌。adj.not obnoxious;harmless
同义词 innocuous,pleasant,unobtrusiveunoffendingcalm,clean,friendly,humble,innocent,innoxious,mild,neutral,nonprovocative,peaceable,quiet,retiring,safe,unobjectionable
反义词 damaging,harmful,malicious,offensive,provocative
euphemisticadjective polite
harmlessadjective not injurious or dangerous
innocentadjective harmless, naive
innocuousadjective harmless
paper tigeradjective weak, not dangerous
politically correctadjective not causing offense
PC,bias-free,considerate,diplomatic,gender-free,inclusive,inoffensive,liberal,multicultural,multiculturally sensitive,nondiscriminatory,nonracist,nonsexist,politic,respectful,sensitive,sensitive to others,unbiased No people in history have ever survived who thought they could protect their freedom by making themselves inoffensive to their enemies.
历史上以为用温情讨好敌人就能保护自由的人,断无得以生存。 blog.sina.com.cn

Scientists at Keele University in UK have found that people can withstand pain longer if they swear compared to when using inoffensive words.
据当地媒体报道,英国基尔大学研究人员发现,人在不断咒骂时忍受疼痛的时间更长。 www.chinadaily.com.cn

The specially bred durian smells as inoffensive as a banana, Mr Songpol says.
Songpol先生说,培育出来的榴莲新品种闻起来像香蕉,一点也不臭。 yeeyan

Alas, they consider the insurgents inoffensive— or perhaps useful.
很不幸,他们把反叛武装视为无害者——也或许视作了帮手。 ecocn

All are inoffensive as opposed to products of methane, carbon dioxide formed under strictly anaerobic conditions.
这些都没有毒性,这与严格地在厌氧条件下形成的甲烷、二氧化碳的情况相反。 bab

English bees are gentle and inoffensive creatures.
英国蜜蜂是一种温顺的、不伤害人的生物。 bab

For a long while she could hardly believe that their dissension had arisen from a conversation so inoffensive, of so little moment to either.
好久她都无法相信这场纠纷是由一种毫无恶意的、对双方都没有什么触犯的谈话而引起的。 exams

He hard, bite the bullet character paved flat light, inoffensive life.
他以吃苦耐劳、忍辱负重的品格铺平了平平淡淡、与世无争的一生。 citynoon.com

He is a mild, inoffensive man.
他是一个善良、 不惹人讨厌的人。 iciba

He is a quiet inoffensive person.
他是一个善良、不惹人讨厌的人。 dj.client.iciba.com

Indeed, he was a lovable, inoffensive fellow.
确实,他是一个可爱无害的家伙。 yeeyan

Interrogation and check is an intermediate behavior between inoffensive investigation and compulsory investigation.
盘查系介于任意性调查行为与强制性调查行为之间的中间行为。 dictall

Just completely inoffensive to my ears, which makes the R03 an especially well-rounded earphone.
一点也不伤害我的耳朵, R03是一个特别完美的耳机。 expreview

Many customers may consider this inoffensive; indeed, Google's services- for- data trade-off has become a foundation of the Web2.0 era.
许多客户可能认为这不害人;的确,谷歌为数据交换提供的服务已经成为 Web2.0时代的基础。 yeeyan

Now every inoffensive Belgian can dream of something
现在每个无碍他人的比利时人都能有梦想 ecocn

Something must have been said to Zidane. He is actually a reserved and inoffensive person, “ Beckenbauer said.”
“事情一定不简单,齐达内其实是一个内向和稳重的人”贝肯鲍尔说。 kekenet

The emergence of the restorative justice made the progress from“offensive justice” to“ inoffensive justice” without menacing the authority of the written laws.
在维护成文法权威的前提下,体现了刑事司法从“有害的正义”到“无害的正义”的进步。 fabiao




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