introduce an idea or attitude into the mind of;My teachers inoculated me with their beliefs
introduce a microorganism intoperform vaccinations or produce immunity in by inoculation;We vaccinate against scarlet fever
The nurse vaccinated the children in the school
insert a bud for propagationimpregnate with the virus or germ of a disease in order to render immuneinoculate someone against给某人注射预防…的疫…
近义词 inject注射protect保护immunize使免疫immunise使免疫vaccinate接种疫苗
用作动词A corps of doctors arrived toinoculatethe recruits.一队医生来给新兵打防疫针。 Phenol- cyanogen wastewater with bad biodegradation could be treated in the style of inoculating microbial agents to active sludge whose concentration, coagulation and sedimentation would be increased.
对毒性较大的焦化酚氰废水,可将生物制剂接种于活性污泥,这样可提高污泥浓度和污泥的絮凝沉淀性能; cnki