

单词 inlaying
释义 in·lay·ing 英'ɪnleɪ美'ɪnleɪ COCA²²¹⁵⁰⁷BNC¹⁷³⁹⁹⁵⁺²
dentistry a filling consisting of a solid substance as gold or porcelain fitted to a cavity in a tooth and cemented into placea decoration made by fitting pieces of wood into prepared slots in a surface
decorate the surface of by inserting wood, stone, and metalinlay camera插入摄象机inlay carver嵌体雕刻刀porcelain inlay瓷嵌体bone inlay嵌入植骨法cement for crown bridge and inlay冠桥及嵌体用粘固粉…inlay wax嵌体蜡alloy inlay合金嵌体inlay clad plate双金属板inlay investment嵌体包埋料inlay mask插入遮片,插入罩片…in lay会生蛋,产卵时期…
近义词 line线tile瓷砖wood木材glass玻璃ivory象牙insert插入enamel搪瓷inset插入物enchase镶嵌implant深植pattern模式stoneU石料mosaic马赛克interlard混杂decoration装饰veneer薄片镶饰chequer方格图案parquet镶木地板enameling上珐琅enamelling上釉术marquetry镶嵌细工encase把…装入箱中…tessellate镶嵌成花纹

用作动词Some of the lakes are hidden in the valleys, and othersinlaythe virgin forests.这些湖泊有的隐匿在峡谷中,有的镶嵌在原始森林中。用作名词The table was decorated with goldinlay.桌子装饰着黄金镶嵌的图案。 The results provide theoretical foundation for the manufacturing of inlaying pistons, which reaches the goal to enhance the quality of manufacturing inlaying pistons.
分析两者之间的内在联系,为镶嵌活塞的制造提供理论依据,从而达到提高制造镶嵌活塞质量的目的。 dictall

The black seal frame around of glass can be seen, it is suitable for inlaying installation with pressing strip around it.
玻璃四周显露黑色密封边框,适用于周边压条镶嵌安装。 glass

The techniques, such as time interrupt, TSR, inlaying assembly and multi— task discussed in this paper are of common use, and the corresponding program is very easy to transplant.
本文所讨论的时间中断技术、 TSR技术、嵌入汇编技术和多任务技术具有一定通用性,其程序有很好的移植性。 cnki

After years of research and development, the company have made breakthroughs in the traditional jewelry workmanships, including sticking, jointing, inlaying and embedding.

An injection mould with half- parting inlaying structure was developed based on the analysis on forming process of wiring terminal positioning fixture with nine- thread pedestal.
通过对九线基座、接线柱定位夹具注射模镶件的工艺分析,确定了成型镶件分半镶拼式结构。 dictall

At the same time, the reasons of the influence of inlaying bearing on the loading capacity are analyzed.
文章还分析了影响轴承承载能力的原因,为今后研制此类轴承提供了实验依据。 cnki

Bone-and stone inlaying technique, which is a traditional kind of Yangzhou lacquerware, was created by a native of Yangzhou, Zhou Zhu of the Ming Dynasty.
骨石镶嵌工艺,为明代扬州人周著所创,是扬州漆器传统品种。 qiqicom

Bone-and- stone inlaying technique, which is a traditional kind of lacquerware, was created by Zhou Zhu of the Ming Dynasty.
骨石镶嵌工艺,为明代漆器艺人周著所创,是漆器传统品种。 dictall

Combining with the practical conditions of20 wells inlaying oil field, the results calculated of the above parameters in the sucker rod pump are given.
并结合大庆油田20井次的生产实际,给出了以上各量的计算结果。 chemyq

Folk artisans are showing the handicraft of inlaying with silver.
民间老艺人们正在展示错银手艺。 nciku

The joining mechanism were diffuse reaction between matrix and joined materials and particles inlaying each other in the joint.
其连接机理为烧结过程中母材与连接材料间的扩散反应,以及界面处颗粒间的相互镶嵌。 cnki

There are but two ways of paying debt; increase of industry in raising income, increase of thrift inlaying out.
还债的方式有两种: 一是勤奋增加收入,而是节俭以紧缩开支。 xmfish

This newly-designed style is wonderful processing equipment for glass arts and crafts company, especially for inlaying glass producing enterprise.
本机型是玻璃工艺品厂特别是镶嵌玻璃生产企业最理想的装饰条加工设备。 cnboli

ZQ series wire inserting machine is a special device for inlaying the coils of motor stator winding into the coil slot that has inserted insulating paper.
ZQ系列嵌线机是将电机定子绕组线圈自动嵌入已插好绝缘纸的定子线槽内之专用设备。 biaozhundj

Inlaying systems, as a major field of computer applications, is still a weak area of teaching in China.
嵌入式系统是一个重要的计算机应用领域,其教学在国内尚属薄弱环节。 magsci




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