释义 |
in large measure短语⁶⁹⁷²⁷ 基本例句 大部分; 在很大程度上 That most working people do not, in fact, go mad is due in large measure to a phenomenon so common that it is found wherever people labor in/span> industry: taking it easy. 事实上,多数劳动者并不发疯多半是由于“不紧不慢”的现象很平常,在企业中只要有人工作的地方随处可见这种现象。 kekenet In large measure it was set in train in1979 with the Islamist Revolution's victory in Teheran ironically, the year Israel and Egypt signed their peace treaty. 实际上这场风暴从1979年伊斯兰教徒在德黑兰革命胜利时就已经开始了讽刺的是同年埃及和以色列签订了和平条约。 yeeyan |