

单词 inject into
释义 inject into短语¹⁴⁴⁹⁷²⁺²
vt. 把…注入到
At the same time, I hope to inject into the discussion a few personal details about these ten people and how they work together.
同时,我希望在讨论中插入一些关于这十个人的个人细节以及他们是如何一起工作的。 ibm

On the one hand, the party benefits from the passion and dollars this widespread grassroots mutiny against big government is able to inject into local campaigns.
一方面,这一席卷全国的反“大政府”草根运动能够给共和党地方竞选活动注入大把的激情和大量的资金,无疑会使共和党受益。 ecocn

To avoid dangerous climate change we will have to limit the total amount of carbon we inject into the atmosphere, not just the emission rate in any given year.
而我们人类为了避免气候发生这样危险的变化,就必须限制排放的温室气体总量,而不是仅仅限制排放率来延长使用期限。 yeeyan

A radiotracer is a radioactive compound that is safe to inject into patients and shows up clearly on a scan.
这种放射示踪剂是一种具有放射活性的复合物,具有注射安全且扫描显示清晰的优点。 dxy

Attempt to inject into processes.

In the past few years, many northern cities have begun to use a“restricting medicine” which when they inject into the willow trees will prevent the production of the flying willow fuzz.
在北方不少城市,这几年开始使用一种能够给柳絮“结扎”的药剂,当年注入树身,能够抑制下一年的飞絮生成。 www.tefl.com.cn

Methods Take the sample and the control inject into the chromatogram instrument and register the chart, then according to the apexapices area to account the content by outside mark way.
方法取样品与对照品注入色谱仪,记录色谱图,按外标法以峰面积计算含量。 chemyq

Moreover, after it takes over the problematic mortgage companies, the US government will have to find ways to pool resources to inject into them.
更有甚者,美国政府在接手了有问题的房贷公司后,将不得不去想办法注资其中。 tianya

Spend time thinking about what users might do on your site and model worst case scenarios to inject into the testing process.
请多花些时间考虑用户可能在您的站点中进行哪些操作,并对最糟糕的用例场景进行模拟,以注入到测试过程中。 ibm

This stock will bolster capital more securely than the suspect hybrid stuff that American regulators are keen to inject into bankssee article, since its dividends can be cancelled.
因为这支股票的股息分发将被取消,所以这支股票提供的资金支持要比美国人热衷于发行和注入银行的复杂的股票更具有安全性。 blog.sina.com.cn




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