释义 |
inishmore 基本例句 n.伊尼什莫尔岛在爱尔兰共和国;西经 9º45' 北纬 53º07' A solitary white horse grazes in a pasture surrounded by stone walls on the island of Inishmore, the largest of the three Aran Islands.艾兰群岛三个岛屿中最大的I伊尼什莫尔岛上,一匹孤独的白马在一片石墙环绕着的牧场上吃草。 Rugged as the people who settled here more than 3,000 years ago, the sea-chiseled limestone bluffs of Inishmore rise 300 feet above the Atlantic.“尽管崎岖不堪,3000年多前这里已有人定居。由海浪侵蚀形成的伊尼什莫尔岛的石灰岩断崖比大西洋洋面高出了300英尺。 |