

单词 annual revenue
释义 annual revenue 英'ænjuəl 'revənjuː美'ænjuəl 'reɪvənuː 短语⁴⁶³⁴³
A former chairman of the business, Dean Boyce, suggests a value of $300m, equal to about three-quarters of the government’s total annual revenue.
该公司前主席 Dean Boyce提出价值3亿美元,相当于贝里斯政府总岁收入约四分之三。 ecocn

And convert it has, at astonishing speed. The sale of property rights for development, which accounts for fully one- fourth of the local government's annual revenue, jumped18 percent last year.
现在,重庆正以令人吃惊的速度进行土地开发,土地出让收入占到当地政府财政收入的四分之一,同比增长18%。 yeeyan

Finally, Trucost divides the cost of all the impacts by the firm's annual revenue to produce an environmental impact ratio.
最后, Trucost把这家公司对环境产生的所有影响费用与年收入相除,得出一个环境影响比率。 yeeyan

It alleges that millions of dollars paid to the government to secure oil concessions do not show up in the official annual revenue reports.
该组织宣称,为获得石油特许权而支付给政府的数百万美元并未出现在官方年收入报告中。 ecocn




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