

单词 annual increment
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Controlled burning significantly improved the growth of the diameter at butt-end and its current annual increment, and the growth of the height and its current annual increment.
对五年生杉木幼林的树高生长及其连年生长也具极显著的促进效应。 cnki

The quality of stand was evaluated by means of the selection index of mean annual increment and slope of grain.
用树高年平均生长量和木材纹理倾斜度的综合选择指数的大小来评价林分的优劣。 cnki

While standard degree of closing of the plantation reached0.85, current annual increment of DBH started to decline, and the intensity of thinning should not exceed30%.
林分标准郁闭度达0.85以上时,胸径连年生长量已下降,株数间伐强度以不超过30%为宜。 cnki

However, there is also adept consumer expresses, mahogany furniture, annual increment of more than15%, this is nothing more than a business promotional gimmick.
然而,也有娴熟的消费者表示,红木家具,年增长率超过15%,这无非是一种商业促销手法。 blog.sina.com.cn

Results Schoolboys who were at higher adolescent height developmental levels had greater annual increment in height and higher sexual developmental levels.
结果青春期身高发育水平高的个体身高增长值高,性发育早。 chemyq

Site preparation quality in poor overflow land influences not only on survival rate of forest in the same year, but also on growth and annual increment after survival of forest.
瘠薄河滩地整地质量的优劣,不仅影响林木的当年成活,而且还影响林木成活后的生长发育和连年生长量。 http://dict.cnki.net




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