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词汇 infographic
释义 infographic ˌɪnfəʊˈɡræfɪk Economist⁵³⁵⁸¹⁺¹
Have a look at the growth of social media for yourself with the infographic below, via Search Engine Journal.
透过下面这张《搜索引擎杂志》提供的资讯图像,来看一看社交媒体的成长。 yeeyan

Jaime Serra Spain, La Vanguardia's infographic and illustration editor.
杰米•塞拉西班牙,《先锋报》信息制图、插图编辑。 newsdesigner

On to the infographic at hand… If you’ve heard it once, you’ve probably heard it a million times: conserve water.
将这张资讯图像捧在手上时,有种似曾相识的感觉。如果你曾经听过它,那么你可能已经听过成千上万遍了:保护水资源。 yeeyan

The infographic below puts many carbon dioxide emission horrors on full display.
下面的信息图全面展示许多恐怖的二氧化碳排放。 yeeyan

To accompany the findings, Microsoft released this infographic showing the evolution of email since it was first introduced in 1965.
作为该份调查的补充,微软发布了这份信息图表展示电子邮件自1965年诞生以来的演变历程。 yeeyan

After looking across the internet for a few weeks, I've created an easy to read and thorough infographic to help you figure it all out.
经过互联网上几个星期的苦苦搜集,我已经制作了一个易于阅读和全面的信息图表帮助了解一切。 yeeyan

But as this infographic shows, threats like superbugs, sloppy records and sleepy interns can make U.S. hospitals surprisingly dangerous.
但是如同这张资讯图像所展示的,威胁就像超级病菌,凌乱的病历和困倦的实习医生可以把美国医院弄得出乎意料地危险。 yeeyan

Check out this Infographic for the other ways we don't seem to live on the same planet.
看看下面这张信息图,从其他方面来比较,我们似乎并不是生活在同一个星球上。 yeeyan

Check out the infographic below for some interesting facts on Marine Life.
看看下面这张资讯图像,了解一下海洋生物的一些有趣现象。 kekenet

Flowtown has released another new Infographic and this time it’s on How Teenagers Use Mobile Phones.
Flowtown发布了另一个新的信息图表,这一次是关于青少年手机使用情况的。 yeeyan

Here is an infographic comparing the different types of design professions.
这里用图文信息来比较各设计专业间的不同。 yeeyan

If you are as guilty as I am, the infographic below, while basic and familiar, is a worthy reminder.
如果你像我一样感到愧疚,那么看看下面这张资讯图像,虽然简单而熟悉,但是它却给予了一个不错的提醒。 yeeyan

It is what Pierre and his group built into this infographic.
这正是 Pierre和他的团队所构建的“信息图”。 yeeyan

Regardless, it’s a fun infographic that displays some interesting points, but whether this is an even match is another question all together.
无论如何,这个图有些意思,显示了一些有趣的事实,但是他们之间是否存在一场竞争已经属于另外一个问题了。 yeeyan

Take a look at this infographic to learn more about breast cancer and the facts and myths associated with it.
来看一看这张资讯图像,学习更多乳癌的知识,了解相关的事实与谬误。 yeeyan

The following“ infographic” video from the Vancouver Film School tells this story powerfully in just2 minutes.
以下这段只有2分钟的视频来自温哥华电影学院,向人们讲述了伊朗博客圈现状。 yeeyan

There are many ways to answer that question and one of the most engaging is through statistics and information presented as an infographic.
我们有很多办法来回答这个问题,最好的办法就是通过包含统计数据的信息图表来帮助我们来理解它。 yeeyan

This infographic takes a look at the pollution around the world and it’s impact on our planet.
这张资讯图像带领你看看全球的污染,以及它对我们星球的影响。 yeeyan

This infographic spells out behaviors for B2B marketers on the social web that are pretty much common sense for individuals.
上图揭示了 B2B公司在社交网络上的行为,这应该是多数人都应该了解的 B2B社交媒体营销常识。 yeeyan

Infographic punches the idea into one’s processor almost immediately because of the way data is presented is neat, simple and less words more fun.
信息图几乎能立刻将观念灌输进人的大脑,因为这种数据呈现方式整洁、简明、言简意赅又趣味横生。 yeeyan




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