

单词 inflorescence
释义 in·flo·res·cence 英ˌɪnfləˈresəns美ˌɪnfləˈrɛsənsAHDĭn'flə-rĕsʹəns 高COCA⁸⁶³⁹⁵BNC¹⁴⁴⁶⁶⁴⁺³iWeb³⁰⁴³⁷
the time and process of budding and unfolding of blossomsthe flowering part of a plant or arrangement of flowers on a stalkcymose inflorescence拉floresce…centripetal inflorescence向心花序centrifugal inflorescence离心花序terminal inflorescence顶生花序simple inflorescence单花序female inflorescence雌花序compound inflorescence复花序helicoid inflorescence螺纹花序definite inflorescence有限花序botryose inflorescence总状类花序,总状花序…intercalary inflorescence居间花序ascending inflorescence上升花序determinate inflorescence有限花序descending inflorescence下降花序
词根记忆in-(不|无flor-花-escence复动作的起始⇒n.开花;花⁴⁹;花序⁴²近义词 blossoming开花flowering开花的florescence开花anthesis植开花efflorescence开花期

用作名词Inflorescence erect, few-flowered, bracteate.花序直立,少数花,。
Pattern ofinflorescenceand flower's development in the head.头状花序和花发育的模式。
Stem, branches, leaves, andinflorescencepubescent.茎,分枝,叶和花序短柔毛。
Pattern ofinflorescenceand flower's development in the head.头状花序和花发育的模式。as in.blossom
同义词 bloombud,efflorescence,floret,floweret,posy,spikeas in.flower
同义词 blossom,herb,perennial,vineannual,bud,cluster,efflorescence,floret,floweret,head,pompon,posy,shoot,spike,spray
blossomnoun flower
flowernoun bloom of a plant
annual,blossom,bud,cluster,efflorescence,floret,floweret,head,herb,inflorescence,perennial,pompon,posy,shoot,spike,spray,vine Hilo Grass, however, can be distinguished from Carpet Grass by the shape of its inflorescence, and the morphology of the leaf.
但两耳草可以由花序及叶片的外形于地毯草分别出来。 iciba

The height of plant and fertile tillers, length and width of leaf, length of inflorescence on flat were significant different with those on footpath P<0.01.
平地上的结缕草草层高度、生殖枝高度、叶片长宽、花序长度与人行道人在草地上踏出的小路上的在0.01水平上有差异; cnki

According to the analysis, its inflorescence belongs to the drepanium not foe raceme.
根据分析,它的花序属于螺旋状花序,而不是总状花序。 cnki

Before inflorescence, the day length requirement was not strict.
开花前,对日长要求不严格。 zgnyqx.ieda.org.cn

By this time, the color of the inflorescence in light- grey in comparison with yellowish-brownish during the first summer, which turns to brown later on.
此时,花序的颜色是浅灰色,而第一个夏季时它的颜色是黄褐色。 planta

During the process of female bud development, ZR concentration was high in inflorescence primodium formation and early development stage, then gradually decreased with fluctuating.
在雌花芽发育过程中, ZR在花序原基形成期和发育初期的含量非常高,以后呈振荡递减的趋势。 cnki

Flower size variation at the inflorescence and individual levels and its trade-off with flower number were evaluated in annual herb, Polygonum hydropiper Polygonaceae.
探讨一年生植物水蓼花大小在花序上和个体上的变化及花大小与花数量的权衡关系。 dictall

In very old inflorescence, however, from which the achenes have already dispersed, the mechanism no longer works and the bracts are shed.
然而,在很老的花序里,瘦果早已完全传播,这种机制就不再起作用,苞片闭合。 planta

Over the years, the shape of the inflorescence changes according to the number of achenes that have been dispersed form the peripheral zone.
在以后的多年里,随着外围的种子逐渐被传播,花序的形状发生变化。 planta

So the flower bud of Kushui Rose was individual and did not form inflorescence.
因此,玫瑰的花芽是单生的而不形成花序。 cnki

The first stage was the inflorescence differentiation.
第一阶段为花序分化期。 cnki

The older the inflorescence is, the darker the color is.
花序越老,它的颜色越深。 planta

The reversions of flower and inflorescenceraceme were discovered and a new conceptoverall reversion of flowering reversion was proposed.
发现了大豆的花逆转和花序逆转现象,提出了整株逆转的新概念。 cnki

There was not distinctive difference on pollen viability and germination percentage between blooming florets and those near blooming in same inflorescence.
同一花序上正在开放与接近开放的小花,其花粉的活力和萌发率无明显差别。 cnki

Using the young inflorescence as material, tissue culture of L. sinuatum was studied.
以“勿忘我”幼嫩花序为外植体,进行组织培养快繁技术的研究。 cnki

Zeroclass- flower opens first in an inflorescence, then first-class- flower and so on, successively, and flowering curve of each class flower has its own characteristics.
花序开放,先零级花、再一级花、二级花、多级花顺序开放,不同级次开花曲线各有特点; cnki




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