

单词 infinitive
释义 in·fin·i·tive 英ɪnˈfɪnɪtɪv美ɪnˈfɪnɪtɪvAHDĭn-fĭnʹĭ-tĭv ☆☆☆☆☆高M四八COCA⁵⁹¹¹⁴BNC⁷⁹⁰⁷iWeb²⁶⁵²³

the uninflected form of the verb词根词缀: in-不,无 + -fin-界限 + -itive形容词词尾split infinitiveto 与动词之间加进…infinitive phrase不定式短语infinitive clause不定式子句bare infinitive不带to的不定式…split an infinitive使不定式分裂…
钱博士in不,无+ fin边界+it拉丁语动词的过去分词后缀,在此用作动词后缀+ive形容词后缀,表功能和倾向→不确定边界的形式⇒转作语法术语不定式的,不定式
in不,无+ fin边界+it拉丁语动词的过去分词后缀,在此用作动词后缀+ive形容词后缀,表功能和倾向→不确定边界的形式⇒转作语法术语不定式的,不定式。方振宇词汇奥秘in不,无,非+fin结束+ite表形容词,…的+ive名词后缀,表人或物→不定式,不定词

用作名词Perfectinfinitivemeans the action happed before the main verb.完成不定式表示动作发生于主要动词之前。
The use of the splitinfinitiveis now generally acceptable.分裂不定式的用法现在已被广泛接受。as in.verb
同义词 deponent,gerund,participleverbification
verbnoun action word
verbsnoun action word
deponents,gerunds,infinitives,participles,verbifications The order between the second participle and the infinitive.
第二分词与不定式的位置关系。 cnki

The explicit expressions of chromatic sum equations for rooted planted trees and planar trees with infinitive parameters are derived respectively.
导出了带无限多个参数的有根平面植树和平面树的色和方程的精确表达式。 cnki

The gerund and infinitive form of a verb suggests that some sort of plan was made earlier before the event occurs and there is no assurance that the event will actually occur.
动词的动名词形式和不定式,表达了事件发生前设想好的某种计划,也不保证事件一定会发生。 www.webi.com.cn

The infinitive construction is a language phenomenon which often appears in English.
动词不定式结构是英语中经常出现的语言现象。 dictall

An infinitive is a two- word form of a verb.
一个不定式是由两个词构成的形式。 yeeyan

Ask the students to find out the sentences with the infinitive. Then make up some sentences.
帮助学生归纳总结不定式作宾语、宾语补足语和状语的用法。 dlteacher

Assuming that Mary is in the Optional Infinitive stage, list all the possible sentences she might produce using the lexical items above.
假设玛莉正值任意不定词阶段,列出所有她可能用上列词汇说出的句子。 myoops

But no, all that's left is an infinitive phrase.
但是,没有了。留下的是一个不定式短语。 yeeyan

Can I split an infinitive?
我可以拆分不定式吗? yeeyan

Comparative to the infinitive cosmos and grandeur of lives, the life of human being is as minute as nothing.
相对于无限的宇宙和壮阔的生命来说,人的一生微小得近于虚无。 iciba

In fact, the split infinitive is encountered in the most formal of writing.
实际上,大部分的正式写作都会遇到需要分离不定式的情况。 newchannel

It is bracing to learn, for example, that the prohibition on splitting the infinitive is fairly recent.
学起来会令人鼓舞,例如,禁止分离不定式是最近才有的事。 ecocn

Maybe it is the errant apostrophe, the splitting of the poor old infinitive, or the use of “ like” as a comma.
也许装的是用错的撇号、把可怜的老不定式分离、或是把“象”当作逗号用。 ecocn

One desirable way is to ascertain which noun or pronoun is logically related to the infinitive phrase and acts as its logical subject.
确定不定式逻辑主语的主要方法是确定句中哪一个名词或代词与不定式逻辑上有主谓关系。 cnki

QUESTION69: Are verb forms in the infinitive the same as base verbs in meaning and form?
问题69:在不定式里的动词和动词原形在意思和形式上是不是一样的? dlcgwy

There can be a difference in meaning when the infinitive or the gerund is used after some verbs.
某些动词后用不定式或动名词时,意思有不同。 jcckc

This paper attempts to solve the periodic crack problems of infinitive anisotropic media for plane skew- symmetric loadings by means of the method of complex function.
本文试图藉助复变函数方法求解在面斜对称载荷下无限各向异性弹性介质的周期裂纹问题。 cnki

To guide or direct, as by persuasion or behavior. Used with an infinitive phrase.
通过劝说或行为来带领或指引。用于不定式词组中。 poptool

When using the infinitive, we are more interested in the completed action.
用不定式时,我们注重动作之完成; jcckc

When the person or thing doing something is named, the verb that follows is in the infinitive, not the past participle.

Infinitive with ZU and its related parts as attribute;
带 ZU的不定式及其所属成分作定语; cnki




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