

单词 infinite
释义 in·fi·nite 英ˈɪnfənɪt美ˈɪnfənɪtAHDĭnʹfə-nĭt ★★☆☆☆高四六研IT46八GCOCA⁹⁸²⁸BNC⁶⁶³⁸iWeb⁵²¹⁷Economist¹⁷⁹⁰⁵⁺¹⁰

无限的,无穷的,无边无际的; 极大的

without limits or end; not finite

the unlimited expanse in which everything is located;

they tested his ability to locate objects in space

the boundless regions of the infinite

having no limits or boundaries in time or space or extent or magnitude;

the infinite ingenuity of man

infinite wealth

of verbs; having neither person nor number nor mood as a participle or gerund or infinitive;

infinite verb form

too numerous to be counted;

incalculable riches

countless hours

an infinite number of reasons

innumerable difficulties

the multitudinous seas

myriad stars

untold thousands

total and all-embracing;

God's infinite wisdom

词根词缀: in-不,无 + -fin-结束,界限 + -ite性质
用作形容词 adj.
~+名词an infinite number of无数的infinite decimal无穷小数infinite power无穷的力量infinite space无边无际的空间
钱博士in不,无+ fin边界+ite拉丁语动词的过去分词后缀,=ate=ed,在此用作形容词后缀,表示具有…的→没有边界的→无限的,无穷的⇒转作名词无穷大
in不,无+ fin边界+ite拉丁语动词的过去分词后缀,=ate=ed,在此用作形容词后缀,表示具有…的→没有边界的→无限的,无穷的⇒转作名词无穷大。非常记忆in-finite 它的内心真美好,心灵美才是无限美词根记忆in无+fin结束+ite…的→没有结尾的→无限的词根记忆in无+fin结束+ite…的→没有结尾的→无限的词根记忆in无+finite近义词 limitlessunlimited反义词 smalllittle
~+ n.Teaching little children takes infinite patience.教育幼儿须有极大的耐心。
The war brought infinite harm to the nation.战争给这个国家带来了无穷的灾难。
S+be+~The universe seemsinfinite.宇宙似乎是无限的。
The number of positive numbers isinfinite.正数的数目是无穷的。Pinfinite-baffle无限反射面Pinfinitelyad.无限地无数地庞大地Psemi-infinitea.半无穷的半无限的Pinfinitely-near无穷近的无限近的Pinfinitely-great无穷大的无限大的Pinfinitely-small无穷小的无限小的Pinfinitesimala.极小的极微的无限小的n.极小量极微量无限小

用作形容词The number of positive numbers isinfinite.正数的数目是无穷的。
Teaching little children takesinfinitepatience.教幼儿需有极大的耐心。
It is difficult to grasp the concept ofinfinitespace.掌握无限空间的概念是很难的。用作名词The totality of space could beinfinite.整个空间其实可以是无限大的。adj.limitless, without end
同义词 absolute,bottomless,boundless,enormous,eternal,everlasting,immeasurable,immense,incalculable,inexhaustible,interminable,never-ending,perpetual,unending,untold,vastmillion,totalall-embracing,enduring,illimitable,incessant,inestimable,measureless,no end of,no end to,numberless,perdurable,sempiternal,stupendous,supertemporal,supreme,unbounded,uncounted,wide,without limit,without number
反义词 bounded,brief,calculable,ceasing,ending,ephemeral,finite,intermittent,limited,little,measurable,minute,restricted,small,temporary,terminable,tiny,transientconfined,countable,definite,fleeting
absoluteadjective without limit
complete,consummate,downright,entire,flat out,free,full,no catch,no fine print,no holds barred,no ifs ands or buts,no joke,no strings attached,outright,plenary,pure,sheer,simple,straight out,supreme,thorough,total,unabridged,unadulterated,unconditional,unlimited,unqualified,unrestricted,utter
abysmaladjective great extent;immeasurable
almightyadjective godlike
amaranthineadjective endless
bottomlessadjective very deep
boundless,deep,endless,far down,immeasurable,infinite,unending,unfathomable,unlimited,vast
boundlessadjective endless, without limit
great,illimitable,immeasurable,immense,incalculable,indefinite,inexhaustible,infinite,limitless,measureless,no catch,no end of,no end to,no holds barred,no strings,no strings attached,tremendous,unbounded,unconfined,unending,unlimited,untold,vast,wide open And I partook of the infinite calm in which she lay: my mind was never in a holier frame than while I gazed on that untroubled image of divine rest.
我也被她安眠中的无限恬静所感染:当我凝视着这神圣的安息者那无忧无虑的面貌时,我的心境从来没有比这时更神圣。 putclub

Feelings of infinite melancholy stole over him.

What should you do if you have infinite loops loops going backwards?
如果你陷了无限循环向后循环,这时该怎么办? ibm

All souls are travelling through the infinite universe and go through various cycles of experience and growth.
所有灵魂都旅行穿越了无限的宇宙并经历了无数体验和成长周期。 blog.sina.com.cn

Before I discovered this letter, I kept asking myself how a book could be infinite.
在发现这封信之前,我曾自问:在什么情况下一部书才能成为无限。 putclub

But I vote for infinite abundance, on demand.
但我投票赞成无限丰富的按需租赁。 yeeyan

But it would not be infinite.
但反数据库不是无限的。 ecocn

Grace appears most purely in that human form which either has no consciousness or an infinite consciousness.
优雅在要么全无意识要么拥有无限意识的人类形式中显得尤其纯粹。 yeeyan

I feel sure that it will help others to trust the same Infinite Healing Presence lodged in the subconscious depths of all of us.
我敢肯定,这将帮助其他人去相信,在我们所有人的潜意识深处容纳的是同样的一种“无限的康复能力”。 yeeyan

I know this world is ruled by infinite intelligence.
我知道这个世界被无限的智慧所统治。 edu.sina.com.cn

I stumble around in this infinite space where messages circulate freely without fixed destination, while the whole of it remains forever beyond my comprehension.
我在这个信息漫无目的地自由传播的无限空间中踉跄而行,但其整体却永远超乎我的理解。 yeeyan

I think part of the answer is in another existentialist concept, possibility, infinite possibility.
我想部分的答案在于存在主义的另一个概念,可能性,无限的可能性。 yeeyan

If financial help is involved it cannot be infinite and that must be explained.
如果涉及到资金的帮助,一定不能是无限的,必须予以说明。 yeeyan

If you go on living, you do so only through your capacity for objectification, your ability to free yourself, in writing, from the infinite strain.
如果你还要继续活下去,你只有通过自身客体化的能力,你能用写作从无限的拉力中解放你自己。 yeeyan

Next, we consider the infinite loop statement and conditionals.
接下来,考虑无限循环语句和条件。 ibm

Perhaps in his imagination, he was such an angel, neither masculine nor feminine but both, and able to infuse the world with infinite longing.
也许在他的想象中,自己就是这样一个天使,非阴非阳而又二者兼具,为世界注入无限的希望。 yeeyan

The function accepts three arguments, and performs some simple tests on the values to ensure that the function will not start an infinite loop.
该函数接受三个参数,然后对这些值进行一些简单的测试,以确保函数不会开始一个无限循环。 ibm

The theory predicts that from nothing springs an infinite number of universes, each ruled by its own unique set of physical laws.
这个理论预言从“无”中会产生出无限多个宇宙,而每个宇宙都被各自独有的一系列物理法则所支配。 yeeyan

Then, break the execution and find the assembly code representing the infinite loop.
然后,中断执行并找到表示该无限循环的汇编代码。 ibm

There are many ways— a practically infinite number— to group and arrange sets of information.
存在许多——实际上是无限数量——的方法来对信息集进行分组和排列。 ibm

These requirements originate from the fact that, in today's data centers, no software is an“ island” with infinite resources.
这些需求来自于这样一个事实,在今天的数据中心里,没有软件是一个拥有无限资源的“孤岛”。 ibm

This is an error because you now have an infinite loop.
出现此错误的原因是现在运行了一个无限循环。 ibm

We would like to have the option of initializing an infinite random vector with the values in another vector.
希望能够用另一个向量中的值对一个无限随机向量进行初始化。 ibm

You gain truly infinite flexibility: one book can have an unlimited number of authors, and one author can have an unlimited number of books.
这种方法具有极大的灵活性:一本书可以有任意数量的作者,而一个作者可以编写任意数目的图书。 ibm




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