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词汇 inferred
释义 in·fer·red 英ɪn'fɜːʳ美ɪn'fɜːr COCA²⁶⁷⁰⁵BNC¹⁵¹²⁹Economist¹⁵⁶²⁹
vt. & vi. 推断,推知

conclude; reach an opinion from facts or reasoning

reason by deduction; establish by deductiondraw from specific cases for more general casesconclude by reasoning; in logicguess correctly; solve by guessing;

He guessed the right number of beans in the jar and won the prize

believe to be the case;

I understand you have no previous experience?

infer, conclude, deduce, gather, judge

这几个词的共同意思是“推断”。其区别在于:infer指从不太充分的论据或前提中推断出结论; conclude指通过推理或判断而得出结论; deduce指有充分根据地推论或逻辑上地演绎; gather指综合事物得出印象或感想等; judge通常指经过仔细鉴定或评价之后作出的决断。例如:

From his a manner of dress and style of living,I gather that he is man of considerable means.从他的穿着式样和生活方式,我揣想他是个相当富有的人。
She had concluded from that her grandmother did not like her.她已从那一点得出结论,断定她祖母不喜欢她。
If you saw a doctor leaving a house, you might deduce the fact that someone in the house was ill.你要是看到医生从一家出来,你就可以推想那家有人生病。
We see smoke and infer fire.我们看到烟,从而推断有火。
Judging from what you said, they ought to succeed.从你说的情况看来,他们应当能成功。infer, imply

这组词都与“暗示”有关:imply指作者或讲演者用某种方式暗示的意思; 而infer是指读者或听众从“暗示”中推断。例如:

The speaker or writer implies things; the listener or reader infers things.讲演者和作者暗示事情,听者和读者则从中推断事情。infer,deduce,conclude,gather,judge







16世纪20年代进入英语,直接源自古典拉丁语的inferre,意为使产生,引起;最初源自该语的inferre:in 在……里 +ferre 传送,显示,意为由……显示出
用作动词 v.
~+名词infer a conclusion推断出结论~+副词infer carelessly草草地推断infer certainly断定infer confidently有把握地推断infer hastily匆匆地推断infer unreasonably不合理地推断~+介词infer from从…中推测出…infer a conclusion from the facts从事实中推断出结论
infer from v.+prep.

〈正〉从…中推导出 reach (an answer by reasoning from given facts)

infer sth from sthI inferred this fact from the evidence I had gathered.我从收集到的证据中推论出这个细节。
No one can infer such an opinion from his statement.谁也不能从他的声明中得出这种看法。
They inferred his displeasure from his absence.他没有到场,他们由此推断他生气了。
What can we infer from these facts?从这些事实中我们可得出什么推论呢?
What can be inferred from it?由此可以推断出什么呢?近义词 take拿hint暗示imply暗示think认为couch长椅judge法官guess推测deduce演绎gather聚集assume假定derive获取reckon计算reason原因expect预期allude暗示deduct扣除suppose假设suggest建议surmise推测presume假定imagine想像suspect怀疑indicate指示construe解释insinuate暗示calculate计算conclude推断出understand懂得conjecture推测generalize概括extrapolate推测generalise使一般化
S+~+AMen observe and infer in all sorts of ways.人们通过各个途径进行观察和推断。
S+~+ n./pron.We see smoke and infer fire.我们看到烟,从而推断有火。
Ragged clothing infers poverty.破衣烂衫暗示贫穷。
Your silence infers consent.你的沉默表示同意。S+~+that-clauseI infer that he'll be home for dinner.我推测他会回家吃饭。
People inferred that so able a governor would make a good president.人们推测如此有能力的州长会成为一个好总统的。
I infer that my proposal has been accepted.据我推测我的建议被接受了。
He can logically infer that if the battery is dead then the horn will not sound.他可以符合逻辑地推测,如果蓄电池用完了,喇叭也就不会响了。
From what do you infer that I will not agree to the plan?你根据什么断定我不会同意这项计划?
I infer from your letter that you do not want to see us.我从你的来信看出你不想见我们。
The jury inferred from the testimony that the defendant was lying.陪审员根据证词推断被告在说谎。S+~+wh-clauseWe had to infer what she meant.我们不得不推测她的话是什么意思。



infer宾语后接介词from表示“从…推断出”,宾语是从句时, from短语可以提前。


用作及物动词We caninferthe meaning of the word in the context.我们可以从上下文中推断这个词的含义。
Theyinfera conclusion from the facts.他们从事实中推断出结论。
Iinferthat my proposal has been accepted.我推测我的建议已被接受。
Ragged clothinginferspoverty.衣衫褴褛意味着贫困。用作不及物动词We caninferfrom his expression that he is frustrated.我们可以从他的表情中推断出他很沮丧。adj.implicit
同义词 complete,contained,firm,fixed,full,implied,total,understood,unsaidaccurate,certain,constant,constructive,definite,entire,implicative,inarticulate,inevitable,inferential,latent,practical,steadfast,tacit,taken for granted,undeclared,unexpressed,unhesitating,unqualified,unquestioned,unreserved,unshakable,unspoken,unuttered,virtual,wholehearted,wordless
反义词 changeable,expressed,incomplete,indefinite,irresolute,needy,stated,unfinished
a prioriadjective deducing from general principle
based on theory,deduced,deductive,derivable,presumptive,rational,reasoned,supposed,theoretical
a prioriadverb deducing from general principle
based on theory,deduced,deductive,derivable,inferred,presumptive,rational,reasoned,supposed,theoretical
allusiveadjective suggestive
assumedadjective expected
accepted,conjectured,connoted,counted on,given,granted,hypothesized,hypothetical,inferred,postulated,presumed,presupposed,supposed,suppositional,surmised,tacit,taken as known,taken for granted,understood
derivativeadjective borrowed, transmitted from source
acquired,ancestral,caused,cognate,coming from,connate,copied,evolved,hereditary,imitative,inferential,inferred,not original,obtained,plagiaristic,plagiarized,procured,rehashed,secondary,secondhand,subordinate,uninventive,unoriginal
implicitadjective included without question, inherent, absolute
accurate,certain,complete,constant,constructive,contained,definite,entire,firm,fixed,full,implicative,implied,inarticulate,inevitable,inferential,inferred,latent,practical,steadfast,tacit,taken for granted,total,undeclared,understood,unexpressed,unhesitating,unqualified,unquestioned,unreserved,unsaid,unshakable,unspoken,unuttered,virtual,wholehearted However, it is known from the study of modern hunter- gatherers, and inferred from archaeological evidence about ancient ones, that neighbouring tribes are often hostile.
从对现代的狩猎采集族的研究,和对远古部落的考古学证据的推断中,人们可以知道,邻近的部落经常是敌对的。 ecocn

The foundation that Hume’s argument rests upon is that no causal relationship can be inferred from one experience to another.
休谟论证的基础在于他认为从一个经历到另一个,人们无法推断出它们之间的因果关系。 yeeyan

The proper transport being used is inferred by the endpoint reference value.
所使用的正确传输是由端点引用值推断出来的。 ibm

The remaining74% of the universe is known as dark energy. Its existence is inferred from an effect that looks like the opposite of gravity: it is pushing the universe apart.
剩下的74%是暗能量,它的存在只能从它在宇宙中的作用推断,暗能量的作用与引力作用相反:它使得宇宙不断扩散膨胀。 yeeyan

The return type is inferred, which is a potential problem, as we will see.
返回类型是推断出的,我们会看到,这会是一个潜在的问题所在。 yeeyan

And while it could not be proven that those four bears had drowned, it could reasonably be inferred that they had died in the water.
虽然我们不能证实那四只熊是溺亡的,但是我们很有理由推断它们是死在水里了。 yeeyan

Because dynamic languages are almost always type inferred, you don't need to work as hard to express basic ideas.
由于动态语言几乎都是类型推断式的,所以您不需要花多大力气来表达基本思想。 ibm

Figure6, which shows the Column Analysis summary screen, highlights columns sorted by their inferred data classification to organize data review.
图6显示了列分析总结屏幕,其中突出显示了为组织数据审查而按照推断的数据分类存储的列。 ibm

Finally, there is a subtle behavior with inferred return types that can cause unexpected and baffling results ScalaTips.
最后,还有一个推断返回类型可能导致不可预知的令人困扰的结果 Scala提示的诡异行为。 yeeyan

For example, you were expecting a String, but the function inferred an Any for the returned object.
比如,你希望获得一个 String,但是函数推断返回类型为 Any。 yeeyan

Here’s the same declaration rewritten in Scala, with inferred type information.
这里是 Scala的声明,使用了类型信息的推断。 yeeyan

I inferred then that the Asian financial crisis was a consequence of the sudden and sharp strengthening of the RMB.

In both versions, the method return value was inferred.
在两个版本里,方法返回值都是被推断出来的。 yeeyan

In most cases, the return type of the method can be inferred, so the ‘:’ and return type can be omitted.
在大多数情况下,方法的返回类型可以被推断,所以“:”和返回类型可以被省略。 yeeyan

In simpler models the sequence can often be inferred, but this might not be the case in more complex models.
在较为简单的模型中,顺序经常可以推断出来,但对于更为复杂的模型,这样并不现实。 ibm

In this case, I have not actually added or inferred new information. I have combined structure and style into one set of tags.
在本例中,我并没有实际添加或推测某些新的信息,而是将结构和样式组合到一组标记中。 ibm

It has to be inferred.
你必须去推测它。 ecocn

It may be inferred from this that Palin sees a certain parallel between the events of July3,2009, and those of July4,1776.
或许可以推断佩林在2009年7月3日和1776年7月4日发生的事件中看到了某种相似的联系。 yeeyan

It also uses proper encoders for data values based on their automatic inferred type information.
它还根据自动推断的类型信息对数据值使用适当的编码器。 ibm

Some of his listeners inferred that it had become the world’s fifth-biggest economy.
因此,一些人推断巴西已经成为世界上第五大经济体。 ecocn

The final scenario can be subtle, when a more general return type is inferred than what you expected.
最后的一种场景的关系可能比较微妙,比你期望的类型更通用的类型可能会被推断返回。 yeeyan

The information about predicates is inferred using the available query workloads.
关于谓语的信息可以使用可用查询工作负载进行推测。 ibm

Then the type parameter instantiations would be inferred automatically from the method arguments.
然后会自动地从方法参数中推断出类型参数的实例化。 ibm

There is no explicit variable for the message instance in the code; it is inferred.
在代码中没有为消息实体做显式变量声明;它是被推断出来的。 yeeyan

Therefore, meaning can be inferred from the data making the document structured and more useful by a computer program.
因此,能够从数据推断出含义让文档变成了结构化的,这对计算机程序而言更为有用。 ibm




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