any place of pain and turmoil;the hell of battle
the inferno of the engine room
when you're alone Christmas is the pits
a very intense and uncontrolled fireChristianity the abode of Satan and the forces of evil; where sinners suffer eternal punishment;Hurl'd headlong…To bottomless perdition, there to dwell
a demon from the depths of the pit
Hell is paved with good intentions
近义词 pit坑fire火hell地狱oven烤箱blaze火焰flames火焰furnace炉子perdition地狱snake pit疯人院underworld黑社会conflagration大火灾hell on earth人间地狱the pits最恶劣的地方…hellhole 极端凄惨的地方…Hades哈德斯(希腊神话中的冥界…firestorm核心爆炸引起的爆炸风暴…fire and brimstone地狱的磨难的,非常热心的…
用作名词The oil wells turned into a raginginferno.油井化为熊熊的火海。
People caught in thatinfernowere wailing and crying.埋身火海的人在大声哭叫。
Theinfernohas killed 64 people in just five days.大火仅在短短五天内就夺去了64人的生命。
The burning building became aninferno.燃烧着的大楼成了地狱般的地方。
In just seconds, a spark or even the sun's heat alone sets off aninferno.仅仅只是短短的数秒时间,一点火光甚至只是太阳的热量就能变成地狱。 The infernos raging across Southern California are coming at the peak of fire season in that region of the USA's most populous state.
加利福尼亚是美国人口最多的州,在火灾高发季节,整个南加州被熊熊“地狱烈火”席卷了。 tesoon
It is aimed at a select set of quasars, black- hole- powered infernos billions of light-years away, each brighter than a hundred galaxies.
它的目标是一系列精选的类星体,这些由黑洞提供能源的火球距地球有数十亿光年之遥,其中每一个都比银河系亮100倍以上。 yeeyan
Voters are unlikely to damn him permanently for remaining in Tuscany until the urban infernos forced him home.
选民们不大可能永远指责他逗留在托斯卡纳度假,直到城市里纵火事件发生,才不得不回国。 ecocn