

单词 Annette
释义 Annette əˈnet 高COCA¹⁴⁹⁰²BNC²¹⁶⁵²
And he still has not reached his full size, with owner Annette Edwards,59, preparing herself for another six months of growth before he hits full size.
目前他还在长,他的主人,59岁的安妮特爱德华兹称他还需要6个月才能发育成熟。 ebigear

Ms. Cushlanis, a secretary for the Galloway school district, complained to her boss, Annette C. Giaquinto, the superintendent.
库什莱尼斯小姐是格罗威校区的一名秘书。她把这种意见反馈给她的上司——校区主管安内特· C·吉奥圭特。 yeeyan

The bride's mother Annette England, 66, said: “ It's not necessarily how you imagine seeing your daughter get married but it was great fun.”
新娘的母亲说:“这虽然不是我想象中女儿结婚的样子,但是还是挺有意思的。” hjenglish

With our kids all away for good Annette and I are at a similar stage in our passage in life.
我们的孩子们都已远走高飞,我和安妮特的生活依然如故。 hicoo

“ We’ve sent a signal on education and research that no one else has sent,” says the education minister, Annette Schavan.
“环顾世界,我们已经对教育和研究发出了一个前所未有的信号,”德国教育部长安内特·沙凡如是说。 yeeyan

Annette Schavan, the education minister, said she was“ ashamed”.
教育部长沙万说她“感到羞耻”。 ecocn

Clyde still walks the halls, according to local psychic Annette Martin, who claims she has unlocked the secrets of the Winchester house by channeling Clyde.
据当地巫师安妮特.马丁所称,克莱德仍在厅廊里走动,她声称自己已经通过超度克莱德亡灵解开了温彻斯特神秘屋的谜团。 yeeyan

I began to understand why Annette said finish every drawing you start.
我开始领悟到为什么安妮特说“一旦开始,就画完它” 。 yeeyan

In the early1980s I met a laughter therapist named Annette Goodheart who told me I could draw.
在上世纪80年代早些时候,我遇到一位“笑声治疗师”,她叫安妮特.德哈特,她说我能画画。 yeeyan

In the warm applause of the guests, Ambassador Yang, Parliamentary Secretary Khan and Mrs. Annette Wallace, Executive Director of NALIS cut the ribbon and officially opened the Exhibition.
在来宾们热情的掌声中,杨大使与可汗政务次官及特多国家图书馆馆长瓦莱斯女士一道,为摄影展正式剪彩。 www.fmprc.gov.cn

It is evident how both Steve and Annette complement each other well as partners in their goal to live frugally.
很明显,为达成节俭生活的目标, Steve和 Annette像一对搭档一样互相弥补对方。 yeeyan

It seems to me Annette said something like this: Begin with a proper sketch book.
用我的话来转述安妮特的观点:从合适的素描本开始吧。 yeeyan

Katz recalled Annette Bening at a reception jokingly complaining : “ You're hiring all my friends and you haven't hired me.”
卡兹回忆,有次在招待会上,安妮特·贝宁跟他开玩笑,“我所有的朋友都被你招来了,怎么没我的份?” yeeyan

Marc Spiegler and Annette Schönholzer, co-directors of Art Basel, suggest that private collections internationalise in the process of becoming more serious.
巴塞尔艺术博览会的联合负责人 Marc Spiegler和 Annette Schönholzer认为私人收藏的全球化变得越来越重要。 ecocn

My favourite female performances were Annette Bening and Julianne Moore in The Kids Are All Right.
我最喜爱的女演员是《孩子们都很好》里的安妮特.贝宁和朱丽安.摩尔。 yeeyan

Our fatal fault, Annette said, is perfectionism.
安妮特说:我们致命的错误是太追求完美。 yeeyan

Still, those hoping to win over poker's sceptics will find no better example than young annette_15.
不过话说回来,要回应扑克怀疑论者的质疑,没有比 annette_15更好的例子了。 ecocn

Annette Bening has four children with husband Warren Beatty. Bening had their youngest daughter, Ella, at age42.
安妮特·贝宁和丈夫沃伦·比提共孕育了四个孩子。女儿艾拉在贝宁42岁时出生。 kekenet

Annette is his fair-weather friend.
安妮特是他的酒肉朋友。 hjenglish

Annette Zimmermann, a Gartner analyst, says Macrosense seems to have a novel offering, one with a potentially large market.
高德纳Gartner公司分析师安妮特·齐默尔曼 Annette Zimmermann称 Macrosense看上去会提供一套非常新颖的服务它的潜在市场很大。 yeeyan




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