

单词 in equal measure
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And, in that sense, Ferguson has no problem comparing him to former Red Devils stalwart Steve Bruce, who picked up medals and scars in equal measure during his illustrious stint at Old Trafford.
就是这样,弗格森没有疑问的就认为他能够与曼联传奇后卫以及曾得过许多奖项的布鲁斯相比。 imanutd

But this is a delicate time, full of hope and trepidation in equal measure.
但这也是一个微妙的时期,希望与不安同在。 yeeyan

It was a hard-fought game for the young Reds, who needed to show class and determination in equal measure to defeat a strong Fenerbahce side.
这是一场艰苦的比赛,他们需要拿出水平和决心才能击败强大的费内巴切。 bbs.sports.sina.com.cn

Let it be sufficient to say that, on this night, he was still my lighthouse and my albatross in equal measure.
让我们这么说吧,这天晚上,他仍是我的灯塔,也同时是我的包袱。 kekenet

Still, he has written a valuable book, chilling and comforting in equal measure.
无论如何他写了一本有价值的书,有嘘声也有喝彩。 dxy

The quarantine measures imposed by officials infuriated and terrified the public in equal measure, causing widespread riots and the destruction of quarantine zones.
政府采取的隔离措施引起了人们的恐慌和愤怒,导致了大规模的暴乱,隔离区也遭到了破坏。 ebigear




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