

单词 Annecy
释义 An·ne·cy 英ˌænəˈsiː, ɑːnˈsiː美ˌænəˈsi, ɑnˈsiAHDăn'ə-sēʹ, än-sēʹ COCA¹⁸⁸⁹¹⁴BNC¹⁴⁴⁶⁶⁴⁺³
n.阿讷西在法国;东经 6º07' 北纬 45º54'
A small street in Annecy, France, in late afternoon.
傍晚时分,法国安娜西的一条小街。 yeeyan

Charles Beigbeder, president of the campaign for Annecy in 2018, had said earlier that his city would offer athletes a lasting legacy.
法国安纳西的申奥委主席查尔斯。贝格伯德早先曾表示,安纳西市将向运动员提供持久的体育遗产。 voanews

Cultural attache Jerome spends his last holidays as a bachelor at Lake Annecy where he meets Aurora, an Italian writer and old friend.
文化参赞员杰洛米是一名单身汉,他之前在阿讷西湖边度假时认识了老朋友奥罗拉,她成了一名意大利作家。 rar88.com

Formal bids are expected from Munich, Germany, Pyeongchang, South Korea and Annecyann- SEE, France.
预计,德国的墨尼黑,南韩的平昌以及法国的阿纳西将正式提出申办冬奥会。 ept-cn.com

I first saw it at the Annecy animation festival.
我以一次这部电影是在安纳西电影节上。 yeeyan

I went back to Annecy in 1997 with my first short film and it won the grand prize that year.
1997年我带着我的第一部短电影重回安纳西电影节并获得了当年的特等奖。 yeeyan

I went to Annecy again this year with The Illusionist, my new film, for the opening of the festival.
今年我带着我的新作《魔术师》又去安纳西参加了电影节开幕式。 yeeyan

Pyeongchang, South Korea has been awarded the2018 Winter Olympics, beating out bids from Munich, Germany and Annecy, France.
在刚刚宣布的结果中,韩国的平昌击败了德国的慕尼黑和法国的安锡,获得了2018年冬奥会的主办权。 hjenglish

The three LHC experiments that study lead ion collisions all presented their latest results today at the annual Quark Matter conference, held this year in Annecy, France.
法国安纳西召开的年度夸克物质会议上报告了大型强子对撞机的三个实验的最新研究结果,这些实验是研究铅离子碰撞的。 yeeyan




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