

单词 anlong
释义 anlongCOCA²⁰⁰¹⁷²BNC²³⁶²¹³⁺¹
According to analysis, the pollens of CK2 Hole in Xiachahe of Haizi Farm, Anlong can be divided into55 families and genera, with more pteridophyte spores and woody pollens.
安龙海子农场下岔河 CK2孔的孢粉分析有55个科属,蕨类孢子及木本花粉较多。 cnki

The Anlong karst lakes have specific hydrogeomorphologic origin in their formation.
安龙海子的形成具有独特的水文地貌原因。 cnki

Karst lakes, a special morphology of fluvial karst, are well developed in Anlong, Guizhou.
贵州安龙一带海子较为发育,属流水喀斯特形态。 cnki

Since2003, Anlong village has been cooperating with the Chengdu Urban Rivers Association, a Chengdu-based NGO, to transform itself into one of China's foremost model villages.
从2003年起,安龙村的村民和成都城市河流研究会成都的一个NGO合作。合作的目标是希望安龙村成为中国乡村的典范村庄之一。 blog.sina.com.cn

Under2 cropping patterns, the yields of2 varieties of Honghua in Fuyuan County, Yunnan and Huanghua in Anlong County, Guizhou didn't reach to significant difference;
在2种种植模式下,云南富源县的红花和贵州安龙县的黄花2个品种的产量未达到显著差异; cnak




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