

单词 individualizing
释义 in·di·vid·u·al·ize 英ˌɪndɪ'vɪdʒuəlaɪz美ˌɪndɪ'vɪdʒuəlaɪz COCA⁸⁶⁴⁷⁸BNC¹⁴⁴⁶⁶⁴⁺³
make or mark or treat as individual;

The sounds were individualized by sharpness and tone

make personal or more personal;

personalized service

近义词 adapt改编modify修改change变化tailor裁缝adjust调整localize集中customize定制convert使转变personalize个人化personalise使个人化individualise赋予个性

Does your style of writingindividualizeyour work?你的写作风格是否体现在你的作品中了?
Prisoners try toindividualizetheir cells by hanging up pictures, etc.监犯在牢房里挂上了画片等东西,都想营造些个人气氛。 The teaching of Chinese reading is the main position of Chinese language education, teaching it with individuality is the first strategy to hold the ground, because reading itself is individualizing.
语文阅读教学是语文教育的主阵地,其坚守的战略当首选个性化阅读教学,因为阅读是个性化的。 cnki

“ Individualizing care means appreciating aspects of the patient's life,” said Professor Schwartz. “ We call it their context.”
伊利诺伊大学的艾伦·史瓦兹教授说:“个性化医疗是指了解病人生活的各个方面,我们称它为背景因素。” voanews

At present in world majority government by law quite perfect country, and was suitable regarding the penalty individualizing research quite is already perfect.
目前世界上大多数法治比较健全的国家,对于刑罚个别化的研究和适用已经比较完善。 www.591-lw.com

Independent study is the basic principle of individualizing teaching.
自主学习是个性化教学的基本精神。 fabiao

International Diabetes : What is your method to individualizing that treatment?
《国际糖尿病》:关于个体化治疗您的建议是什么? www.idiabetes.com.cn

Nowadays, when quality education is advocated, individualizing teaching is one of the topics of general interest both in educational theory and practice.
在提倡素质教育的今天,个性化教学是教育理论与实践关注的热点课题之一。 cnki

Objective To discuss the action of individualizing grading nutritional supportIGNS in treatment of severe acute pancreatitisSAP.
目的探讨个体化阶段性营养支持在治疗重症急性胰腺炎中的意义。 cnki

Professor Alan Schwartz at the University of Illinois in Chicago trained some medical students in individualizing care.
史瓦兹教授就个性化诊疗对一些学生进行训练。 voanews

Since acne scars come in various sizes and shapes, individualizing treatments becomes necessary to maximize the results. At the consultation, Dr.
痘疤有不同的形状及大小,针对痘疤「个别化」的治疗是达成最好结果的必要选择。 www.bbs.105life.com

Some received training on individualizing care. Others did not.
他们之中有些接受过个性化诊疗训练,有些则没有。 voanews

They also provide a means for individualizing instruction to a greater degree.
他们也在很大程度上运用个性化教学方法。 jpkc.nxu.edu.cn




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