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词汇 indiscriminately
释义 in·dis·crim·i·nate·ly 英ˌɪndɪ'skrɪmɪnətli美ˌɪndɪ'skrɪmɪnətli 高六TCOCA³⁰¹⁰⁶BNC²³⁵⁵⁹iWeb²⁴⁴⁷⁴Economist¹⁹⁰⁵⁰⁺

in a random manner;

the houses were randomly scattered

bullets were fired into the crowd at random

in an indiscriminate manner;

she reads promiscuously

近义词 broadly概括地randomly任意地wholesale批发的generally一般地at random随便地extensively广泛地universally普遍地arbitrarily任意地haphazardly不规则地promiscuously杂乱地comprehensively包括地every which way四面八方willy-nilly不管愿意不愿意…

用作副词Afro American slaves did not borrow talesindiscriminatelyfrom the Whites among whom they lived.美国的非洲裔奴隶并没有从周围生活着的白人们无差别的获得民间故事。
However, these key factors, which are vital to maintaining a healthy lifestyle, have always been treatedindiscriminately.然而,这些关系到我们健康的重要因素,却一直被无差别的对待。as in.blindly
同义词 aimlessly,frantically,instinctively,madly,wildlyat random,confusedly,in all directions,pell-mell,purposelessly
反义词 carefully,cautiously,considerately,purposely,reasonably,sensiblyas in.every which way
同义词 haphazardly,randomlyall over the place,at every turn,everyway,everywhere,everywhither,in all directions,in all manner of ways,in every quarter,irregularly
blindlyadverb without direction, purpose
aimlessly,at random,confusedly,frantically,in all directions,instinctively,madly,pell-mell,purposelessly,wildly
every which wayadverb in every direction
all over the place,at every turn,everyway,everywhere,everywhither,haphazardly,in all directions,in all manner of ways,in every quarter,indiscriminately,irregularly,randomly A very“ leaky gut” will indiscriminately allow the influx of foreign proteins into the body.
严重的“肠漏”会不加区别地让外源蛋白涌入到体内。 yeeyan

Examine if the army shot indiscriminately at the crowd or only at certain identified targets, not if the people shot were unarmed.
澄清军队是否不辨良莠向群众开火.抑或射击已明确肯定目标,有没有向没有武器百姓开枪. yeeyan

A police officer accused of indiscriminately shooting protesters has been sentenced to death in absentia.
一个被控对抗议群众进行无差别射击的警官已经被缺席判处死刑。 yeeyan

But they did not reckon on a credit squeeze affecting good companies as well as bad ones, nor on an economic downturn that threatens to inflict pain indiscriminately.
但是他们没有料到会有一场信贷危机无论公司好坏一锅端,也没料到经济衰退会大到把所有人一网打尽。 ecocn

Detractors see him differently: as a dangerous anti- American gadfly, indiscriminately revealing information regardless of the consequences.

Government tanks close to the centre are continuing to shell buildings and residents indiscriminately, and food and water are said to be running low.
接近市中心的政府军坦克持续不分青红皂白地炮轰建筑物和居民,并且据说食物和饮水越来越少。 ecocn

Many residents say that when police and soldiers did eventually arrive, they used excessive force, sometimes shooting indiscriminately into crowds.
许多居民说,当警察和士兵终于出现后,他们滥用武力,甚至有时会向人群扫射。 ecocn

Mortgage brokers netted commissions as they lent almost indiscriminately, offering exotically lenient terms— no money down, no income or job required.
按揭经纪公司通过不加选择地借出资金,提供吸引人的宽大条件——不需要现金、收入来源和工作——赚取了大量佣金。 yeeyan

Others have criticized Mr. Greenspan for not disciplining institutions that lent indiscriminately.
还有人批评他没有惩戒那些肆意贷款的机构。 yeeyan

Snipers have fired indiscriminately from the rooftops and, it is said, helicopter gunships have spread terror from the sky see article.
屋顶上的狙击手不加分辩地开火,据传,武装直升机从天空撒播恐怖见文章。 ecocn

SSL indiscriminately encrypts all data with the same key strength, which can be unnecessary or even undesirable for some applications.
SSL不加选择地用同一密钥强度加密所有数据,对某些应用程序而言,这是不必要甚至是不合要求的。 ibm

Such love clearly is not directed toward all of mankind indiscriminately, but is bestowed uniquely and individually on those whom God chose in eternity past.
这种爱明显不是众生平等,而是独特、个别地赠与了在永恒的过去上帝所选择的那部分人。 yeeyan

The“ open war” declared by Mr Nasrallah consists chiefly of firing rockets indiscriminately into Israel's towns.
这场“公开的战争”虽然由哈桑宣战,但大部分火箭都不加选择地发射到了以色列的城镇中。 ecocn

They are accumulating cash by selling other assets, from gold to Thai equities, more or less indiscriminately.
他们多少有点慌不择路,不断变卖资产回笼资金,从黄金期货到泰国股票。 ecocn

They criticise the Taliban for “ indiscriminately” killing civilians by detonating IEDs in crowded markets or on busy roads.
他们批评塔利班在闹市或繁华道路引爆简易爆炸装置,“不分青红皂白”地杀害平民。 yeeyan

Unable to squeeze through Ramel's narrow streets, motorised units used machine guns to kill indiscriminately from a distance.
因为机械化部队无法穿过拉梅尔区狭小的街道,他们便用机枪进行远距离扫射。 ecocn

Witnesses said soldiers began opening fire on civilians indiscriminately after arriving in Deraa, sparking panic in the streets.
目击者说军队抵达德拉后,开始向平民无分区别地开枪,在街上触发恐慌. yeeyan

You'll rarely see a company that's risen to the top using a shotgun approach-- targeting a mass audience indiscriminately-- yet this is where many entrepreneurs trip up.
你很少会看到一家企业通过鸟枪战术——不加选择地瞄准大众而获得成功——这也正是许多企业家的失败原因之所在。 yeeyan




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