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词汇 ankles
释义 ankles
Keep your ankles, knees and hips in alignment.
踝、膝盖及髋保持在一条直线上。 yeeyan

The style was furry and hairy, from the models’ matted hair through tufts creating false eyebrows and pom-poms of fur dangling at the ankles.
从模特用丛毛装饰的纠缠的头发,假眉毛到脚踝处悬挂的皮毛砰砰声都体现了发布会皮草和毛茸茸的感觉。 yeeyan

What strikes me most is, I look at my fat ankles and my fat feet every morning and I think they look just like that painting.
最令我感触的是,每天清晨我观看我的肥胖的双踝和双足,我觉得它们就像画中看起来的那样。 ecocn

Also, you should also avoid going above a 7% incline because it places too much strain on your back, hips and ankles.
同样,你还应该避免超过7%坡度因为了太多的压力压在你的背,臀部和脚踝上。 yeeyan

Before you ask us to bend over and grab our ankles, could you at least kiss our necks or whisper sweet nothings into our ears?
在你要求我们弯下身抓住脚踝时,能不能至少亲吻一下我们的脖子或者轻声说两句甜言蜜语呢? yeeyan

Cross your ankles so that your left if male or rightif female ankle overlaps your other ankle.
交叉你的脚踝,让你的左如是男性或右女踝关节叠放于另一个踝关节上。 yeeyan

Duct tape on the wrists and ankles.
手腕和脚踝上都有布基胶带。 yeeyan

His face is puckered into a, grimace of guilt and discomfort the latter caused by his increasing awareness of stickiness and trussed ankles.
他的脸皱成充满罪恶感和不舒服的样子,后者是因为他渐渐意识到粘稠感和被束缚的脚踝。 yeeyan

His socks bagged at the ankles.

I stood there, frightened, as the lumps came down and hit me and soon I was up to my ankles in coke.
我站在那里,惊恐万状,因为掉下的煤块击中了我,不久焦炭就把我的脚踝骨出淹没了。 yeeyan

I caught her ankles as she kicked into a handstand.

I walked over to Keith and dropped down beside him, I quickly untied the ropes around his ankles.
我走到基斯身边,在他身旁跌坐下来,我动作麻利地解开了绑着他的脚踝的绳子。 yeeyan

In 2007 it reported“ beatings, electric shocks, prolonged suspension by the wrists and ankles in contorted positions, death threats and sexual abuse”.
2007年的报告中使用了“拷打,电击,以扭曲的姿势铐住手腕和脚踝,死亡威胁以及性虐待”等词。 ecocn

Increases flexibility of hips, knees and ankles.
增加臀部,膝盖和脚踝的柔韧性。 yeeyan

New research finds that running shoes actually increase the pressure on ankles, knees and hips— more than high heels can during walking.
最新研究发现,穿跑鞋实际增加了脚踝、膝盖和髋关节承受的压力,甚至在行走时比穿高跟鞋还要严重。 yeeyan

People with flat feet usually have flexible joints that cause their ankles to roll too far inward at heel-strike.
平足的人通常有灵活的关节,这导致他们的脚踝在脚跟踏地的时候过度的向内翻转了。 yeeyan

Start with the toes and visualize relaxing them and let them relax;do the same for your feet, ankles, lower legs, legs, stomach, torso, fingers, hands, arms, neck, then head.
从脚趾开始,想象一下让他们放松并让他们真正的放松,然后是叫,脚踝,小腿,大腿,腹部,躯干,手指,手臂,脖子,然后是头部。 yeeyan

Static stretching is when you stay in place, bend over to touch your toes, or try to pull your ankles towards your hips.
静态伸展是当你站着不动时,弯腰触摸你的脚趾,或把你的脚踝拉向你的臀部。 wztxt

They let you go to the water's edge, wade in up to your ankles, and see if you really want to take the plunge.
它们能够让你来到水边,让水浸到你的脚踝,然后使你能够了解你是不是真的想要跳进去。 ibm

Unlike many other players, he refuses to wear strapping to protect his feet and ankles.
与其他球员不同的是,他拒绝缠上保护脚和脚踝的带子。 yeeyan

We can have another one, she had said, sitting beside him on the bed as he lay there with his ankles crossed and tears streaming down the sides of his face.
我们可以再生一个孩子,她说,在床上坐在他身边,他躺在那里,脚踝交叉着,泪水从两边脸颊上簌簌流下。 yeeyan

Your body should form a straight line from ankles to headA.
你的身体从脚踝到头部应形成一条直线。 yeeyan




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