

单词 indigestion
释义 in·di·ges·tion 英ˌɪndɪˈdʒestʃən, -daɪ-美ˌɪndɪˈdʒɛstʃən, -daɪ-AHDĭn'dĭ-jĕsʹchən, -dī- ★☆☆☆☆高IT八COCA³⁴⁹⁹⁵BNC²³⁸⁸³iWeb¹⁷⁹⁸⁸

a disorder of digestive function characterized by discomfort or heartburn or nausea词根词缀: in-不,无 + di-分离,分开 + -gest-携带,运输 + -ion名词词尾psychic indigestion精神性消化不良…Mild dietary indigestion轻度饮食消化不良…intestinal indigestion肠消化不良
非常记忆in不〖词缀〗+digestion消化〖熟词〗⇒吃了不好消化的食物导致消化不良蒋争熟词记忆in-未;不digest消化-ion名词后缀⇒消化不良;难理解in-未;不digest消化-ion名词后缀⇒消化不良;难理解in表示否定+digest消化+ion⇒消化不良词根记忆in不+digestion消化近义词 colic疝痛gastritis胃炎stomachache胃痛dyspepsia消化不良upset stomach肚子痛stomach upset肠胃不适heartburn〈医〉胃心灼热…反义词 digestion消化

用作名词I overate at the party last night and got violentindigestion.昨日晚宴我吃多了,严重消化不良。
Herindigestionhindered her in her study.她的领悟力差,因而影响她的学习。noun.upset stomach
同义词 heartburn,nauseaacidosis,dyspepsia,flatulence,flu,gas,painacid indigestion,digestive upset,dyspepsy,gaseous stomach
heartburnnoun burning sensation
acid reflux,backflow,cardialgia,gastroesophageal reflux,pyrosis,water-brash It is discouraged to have snacks just before going to bed; otherwise indigestion and weight gain may be resulted.
睡觉之前最好不要吃零食,否则可能引起消化不良和体重增加。 edu.sina.com.cn

The Blessed Thistle herb is a safe ingredient and is approved by the Commission E in Germany as a treatment for indigestion and loss of appetite.
洋飞廉是一种安全的药材,德国草药委员会证明该药材可以治疗消化不良和食欲不振。 yeeyan

A second cause may be potential indigestion.
第二个原因可能是潜在的消化不良问题。 ecocn

Aspirin may occasionally cause irritation of the stomach and so if symptoms of indigestion or heartburn develop it should be stopped.
阿斯匹林有时导致胃部不适,所以如果发生消化不良或胃灼热那么应该停药。 yeeyan

Avoid large meals and beverages late at night. A large meal can cause indigestion that interferes with sleep.
避免在深夜大吃大喝:晚上吃太多会导致消化不良影响睡眠。 yeeyan

Bloating and belching are common side effects of heartburn and indigestion.
胃胀和嗳气是胃痛和消化不良常见的副作用。 yeeyan

Champagne is a better bet, but choose a less acidic one, lest exotic Kama Sutra-style acts cause indigestion.
相比之下,香槟是不错的选择,但是要选择一个不太酸的以避免弄巧成拙引起消化不良。 yeeyan

Garlic is also good for treatment of bronchitis, colds, coughs, sore throat, fever and indigestion.
大蒜还有助于治疗支气管炎、感冒、咳嗽、喉痛、发烧和消化不良。 ebigear

He is overcome with sickness and indigestion, does not want to be alone and asks his wife, Catherine, to sit up with him.
恶心和消化不良折磨着他,他不想一个人呆着,便叫醒妻子凯瑟琳与他一起坐着。 yeeyan

Here, we present five of Wong’s simple recipes to help with sore throats and coughs, insect bites and stings, muscle aches, arthritis, and heartburn and indigestion.
下面,我们介绍黄先生的几种简单药方:治疗咽喉肿痛、咳嗽,昆虫叮咬,肌肉疼痛,关节炎以及胃痛和消化不良。 yeeyan

If Microsoft does manage to swallow Yahoo!, it risks a severe bout of post- merger indigestion, as happened with AOL and Time Warner.
如果微软真的吃掉了雅虎,它就有可能不断遭受严重的后收购消化不良症,正如美国在线服务与时代华纳合并后所遭遇的那样。 ecocn

If you have a high- fat meal in the evening or eat foods that cause you indigestion and heartburn, your sleep can be disturbed.
如果你在晚上吃了太多肉会引起你消化不良内脏不舒服的话,你的睡眠质量会很差。 cri

Once, when Fecteau said the tomatoes in his food gave him indigestion, all he saw for three weeks was tomatoes— green tomatoes.
有一次,费克图说,食物里的西红柿让他得了消化不良。 随后三个星期里,他顿顿都只能吃未熟的青西红柿。 yeeyan

Other symptoms include indigestion, loss of appetite, difficulty concentrating, memory problems, clumsiness, feeling generally unwell, lack of energy, fatigue and irritability.
其他症状包括消化不良、没有胃口、难以集中精神、记忆有问题、笨拙、总体感觉不好、缺乏精力,疲倦和易怒。 yeeyan

So do not think that you are collectively having heart attacks, indigestion, or anything else.
不要认为你们是全体心脏病发作,消化不良,或者其它任何疾病。 blog.sina.com.cn

The boy had indigestion,and he regurgitated all his food.

This time round the problem may not be inflation but market indigestion caused by heavy bond issuance by both governments and companies.
然而这一次,解决问题的方法却不再是通货膨胀,而是通过由政府和企业发行重债券随之带来的市场消化不良来解决。 ecocn

When you eat mindlessly, while multitasking and in a frazzled state of mind, your digestive process is sluggish and results in poor uptake, indigestion and improper elimination.
如果是毫无目的的进食,头脑中会产生一种疲惫的状态,使得消化进程变得迟缓,有可能导致消化不良和排泄不正常。 yeeyan

You probably don’t need me to remind you that all of your symptoms------ heartburn, indigestion, constipation, breathlessness----- are a little worse each week.
你可能不需要我提醒你所有你的症状了——胃灼热、消化不良、便秘、气喘——在这周会稍微加重。 yeeyan

You've got indigestion.
你得的是消化不良。 kekenet

Indigestion is a common result of improper food combining.
不适当的食物组合导致的共同结果是消化不良。 yeeyan




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