释义 |
Indian cotton 基本例句 印度棉 Along the path by the boating lake there are puppet shows, clowns and stilt walkers, and hawkers selling anything fromIndian cottonskirts to batteries.沿着泛舟的湖边小路,木偶戏、小丑和踩高跷的表演应有尽有,小贩们高声叫卖着,从印度布裙到电池,五花八门。 The lonic was a rectangle of sheer linen or fineIndian cotton, later of silk, but was caught together over the arms by fibula or buttons forming loose sleeves when belted.艾奥尼克基同采用亚麻,精棉以及后来的丝绸长方形面料,在臀部用别针或纽扣连接,系好腰带后形成宽松的袖子。 If a fabric such as a part wool blanket is to be produced, the cotton buyer will select Peruvian, China, or Indian cottons which have a harsh, rough, wool-like handle.如果生产与毛混纺的毛毯,应该选择秘鲁棉、中国棉或印度棉,这些品种的棉花具有与羊毛相同的粗糙的手感。 |