

单词 India
释义 In·di·a 英ˈɪndiːə美ˈɪndiəAHDĭnʹdē-ə 常初中高四六4Economist³⁴⁸

a republic in the Asian subcontinent in southern Asia; second most populous country in the world; achieved independence from the United Kingdom in 1947源自印度的梵语,本意是“河流”,特指印度河。经由波斯语进入希腊语后,演变为对印度河所在区域的称呼,后来变成对整个印度的称呼。India ink中国及日本所用的墨…India rubber弹性橡皮India paper圣经纸Indian ink墨汁United Nations Commission for India and Pakistan联合国印度巴基斯坦委…India cotton提花厚轧光棉布…india lovegrass画眉草India pokeberry商陆India-rubber hose软管pride of India檀香
非常记忆In里〖熟词〗+di弟〖拼音〗+a一〖熟词〗⇒在印度国土里,弟弟只身一人indi=Indus=Hindu,河流,印度河+a名词后缀,表地方→印度河所在地方⇒印度。近义词 Bharat印度Republic of India印度共和国

用作名词Indiawas once a British colony.印度曾是英国的殖民地。
He worked his passage from England toIndia.他靠在船上做工赚取船费才能从英国乘船到印度。 And so it is in India.
现在,印度人也是这么想的。 yeeyan

The principle of accountability can be established when we in India have the laws.
在印度,我们制定了环境法以后就能够建立相关的责任原则。 www.voanews.com.cn

All this seemed to hold in India.
这些似乎都在印度发生了。 yeeyan

And unlike China30 years ago, India has plenty of entrepreneurs at home.
与30年前的中国不同,印度在国内拥有大量的企业家。 ecocn

And we can work with India.

Burma borders on India.

But no government wants to see the tiger, an emblem of India, go extinct on its watch.
但是没有哪届政府希望看到印度的象征之物——老虎在其任期内灭绝。 yeeyan

Coal and gas go to China and India, palm oil to the world.
它向中国和印度出口煤炭和汽油,向全世界出口棕榈油。 ecocn

He built gardens to remind him of Kabul, but flowers do not do as well in India as in the crisp Afghan air.
他建造了园林,这使他常常想起喀布尔。但在印度这个地方,花儿不如在阿富汗寒冷干燥的气候里长得好。 ecocn

In our example, we use IN, which is the country code for India.
在我们的示例中,我们使用的是 IN,它是印度的国家代码。 ibm

In India marriage is everything.

Thailand, Brazil and India each have a carrier, while the US has eleven.
泰国,巴西,和印度,每个国家都有航母,而美国有十一艘。 yeeyan

The English one lost its monopoly of British trade with India in 1813 and then with China.
1813年英国的那家失去了对英国与印度间贸易的垄断,接着中国的也丢掉了。 yeeyan

These pirates sailed the waters near Japan and India.
这些海盗在日本和印度附近的海域航行。 yeeyan

They live in India and can also be found in China.
它们生活中在印度,在中国也可以发现这种猴子。 yeeyan

They want India and Pakistan to go to war.
他们希望印度和巴基斯坦卷入战争中。 yeeyan

This book treats of the caste system in India.

India is one of the places where everyone must go once in his life.
印度是每个人一生中都应当造访一次的地方。 yeeyan




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