

单词 incumbency
释义 in·cum·ben·cy 英ɪnˈkʌmbənsiː美ɪnˈkʌmbənsiAHDĭn-kŭmʹbən-sē 高COCA⁴⁵⁸⁷⁶BNC⁶⁰⁶⁴³iWeb⁴²¹⁵⁶Economist¹³⁰⁷³
the term during which some position is helda duty that is incumbent upon youthe office of an incumbent来自incumbent,在任者。词根记忆in-不|无cumb-躺-ency表名词…⇒n.职责¹⁶;义务⁸⁴n.现任职位;现任职权;任期;在职;在职期间;责任;上覆物倚靠物近义词 term学期time时间post职位duty义务task任务role作用position位置office办公室tenure终身职位period一段时间obligation义务commitment承诺appointment约会episcopacy主教制度term of office任期responsibility责任

用作名词Everyincumbencyemployee has his year-end bonus.所有的在职员工都可以领到年终奖金。
The dollar's attractions as a bolthole are partly a benefit ofincumbency.美元作为避险货币的魅力,在一定程度上得益于它主导货币的地位。noun.tenure
同义词 administration,clamp,clasp,clench,clinch,clutch,dynasty,grasp,grip,hold,holding,occupancy,occupation,ownership,possession,proprietorship,regime,reign,residence,security,tenancy,term
反义词 misconception,misunderstanding,release
administrationnoun period during which a particular human group is in power
departmentnoun area of interest, expertise
activity,administration,assignment,avocation,bailiwick,berth,bureau,business,capacity,class,classification,domain,dominion,duty,field,function,incumbency,jurisdiction,line,niche,occupation,office,province,realm,responsibility,slot,specialty,sphere,spot,station,vocation,walk of life,wing
departmentsnoun area of interest, expertise
regimenoun leadership of organization
administration,dynasty,establishment,government,incumbency,management,pecking order,reign,rule,system,tenure
reignnoun rule, dominion
responsibilitiesnoun accountability, blame
abilities,capablenesses,capacities,competencies,conscientiousness,dependability,dependablenesses,efficiencies,faithfulness,firmness,honesty,levelheadedness,loyalties,rationalities,reliabilities,sensiblenesses,soberness,stabilities,steadfastness,trustinesses,uprightnesses The Democrat Party, by contrast, despite all the advantages of incumbency, did very poorly.
与之相反,尽管民主党作为执政党拥有许多优势,但在大选中的表现却不尽人意。 ecocn

The senator is, after all, a Washington incumbent at a time when both incumbency and all things federal are held to be wildly unpopular.
毕竟,她担任参议员时,不仅参议员,联邦政府的所有政策在这里都非常不受欢迎。 ecocn

With the advantages of presidential incumbency, and access to unlimited oil money, Obasanjo secured elite support for a second presidential term in2003.
借着手握总统大权和取之不尽的油元的优势,奥巴乔桑取得各政界精英的支持,于2003年连任尼日利亚总统。 yeezhe

Civic consciousness is a kind of self- knowledge about one's status in the country, right and incumbency.
公民意识是公民对自己在国家中的社会地位、社会权利和社会责任的一种自觉认识。 cnki

Conclusion The blood fat and blood sugar abnormal relevance ratio of the incumbency staff increases with the age.
结论在职职工血脂、血糖异常发生率随着年龄的增长而增高; cnki

Despite having enjoyed the advantages that go with incumbency, his Democrat Party failed to make headway in the countryside and received a drubbing on the national party-list vote.
尽管阿披实的民主党享受了与责任一同而来的优势,但是它还是没能在乡村取得进展,在全国党派选举中也大败而归。 ecocn

It was the government’s last chance to exploit the power of incumbency—ie, to bribe the voters— before the general election.
这是执政党在大选之前利用执政权讨好选民的最后机会了。 ecocn

It was during his incumbency of this office that the Church in the East began to be agitated by the first mutterings of the Iconoclast heresy.
那是在他的任职情况这个办事处表示,教会在东部地区开始被激动,由第一绵蛮,言语微细的孤星叛逆者异端。 famousnudelady

Jonathan, with the advantages of presidential incumbency, has also announced that he will run.
另一方面,占优势的现任总统乔纳生也表示他将参加竞选。 yeeyan

Kerala tends to follow the “ anti- incumbency” trend in states: power alternates.
喀拉拉邦在各邦中倾向于遵循“反在职”的趋势:权力交替。 ecocn

Most of all, London benefits from incumbency and a long history as a financial centre.
而伦敦最大的获益之处在于它的底蕴与作为金融中心的长期历史。 ecocn

Presidential relatives may profit from the power of incumbency.
总统亲属可能受益于职务上的权力。 ecocn

So we don't comment on natural phenomenon of the law of jungle according to our moral criterion of kindness and incumbency.
所以,我们也不能用我们自己订下的仁义行为标准,去评论弱肉强食的自然现象。 blog.sina.com.cn

Some say that Mr Maliki’s Dawa will do badly, whatever the advantages of incumbency.
一些人说马利基先生的召唤党将一败涂地,不管作为现任执政党拥有怎样的优势。 ecocn

The market- share measure of competitive pressure also has all the advantages of incumbency: American legal precedents are built upon it and judges find it a useful check.
而市场份额法还有其作为现有方法的优势:美国的惯例法是在其基础上建立的,并且法官们觉得它很有用。 ecocn

They use death and intimidation, rather than electoral or accountable legitimacy, to make their point, to perpetuate their incumbency, and to eliminate their opponents.
他们制造死亡,使用威 慑,而不是源自选举或问责制的合法性,来发表其见解,稳固其的权位,来消灭其对手。 yeeyan




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