

单词 incredulously
释义 in·cred·u·lous·ly 英ɪn'kredjələsli美ɪn'kredjələsli 高COCA³³⁵⁹²BNC²¹⁶¹²iWeb⁴⁰⁵⁴²

in an incredulous manner;

the woman looked up at her incredulously

近义词 in amazement惊异doubtfully怀疑地skeptically怀疑地suspiciously猜疑地sceptically怀疑性地disbelievingly怀疑地in disbelief不相信怀疑…unbelievinglyunbelieving的…反义词 credulously轻信地

用作副词I've watchedincredulouslyas dozens of clients who are just getting unstuck seek support from the very people who got them stuck in the first place.我不敢相信地看过许多刚刚摆脱困境的顾客又从完全曾让他们受困的人们那里获得支持。 My response was immediate: I stared at him incredulously.
听到这话,我马上难以置信地盯着他。 blog.sina.com.cn

“ Home?” repeated Mr. Button incredulously.
“回家?”巴顿重复了一遍,怀疑自己听错了。 yeeyan

“ No shopping bags from Fifth Avenue?” he asks incredulously.
“没有来自第五大道的购物袋么?”他疑惑地问。 ecocn

“ They did?” my dad asked incredulously.
“他们真这么说了吗?”爸爸不相信地问。 ibochina

“ You would forgive the 9/11 terrorists?” one asks incredulously.
有人难以置信的问道:“难道你会原谅911的暴徒?” ecocn

“The witch doctor?” he repeated incredulously.
“巫医?”他有些不相信,又重复了一遍。 douban

Archer looked at her incredulously. “Have you forgotten, ” he asked with a smile, “that in our country we don't allow our marriages to be arranged for us?”
阿切尔奇怪地看着她,面带笑容地问:“难道你忘了——在我们国家,婚姻是不允许由别人安排的?” kekenet

He flushed, dropped his eyes, and then, almost incredulously, looked again.
他满面绯红,双目下垂,接着又用几乎怀疑的眼光再看了一眼。 yeeyan

He leaned closer, and his eyes flashed incredulously from the parchment to the spell book and back.
他向前倾身,双眼难以置信地在法术书和羊皮纸之间来回扫视。 cndkc

I said incredulously as the first scene began.
在看到第一幕场景的时候我感到难以置信。 yeeyan

I've watched incredulously as dozens of clients who are just getting unstuck seek support from the very people who got them stuck in the first place.
我不敢相信地看过许多刚刚摆脱困境的顾客又从完全曾让他们受困的人们那里获得支持。 bbs.chinadaily.com.cn

One journalist wrote, 'there's no future for these players, no tomorrow for them', “ Sir Alex said incredulously.”
“一个记者写,‘这些球员没有未来,他们没有明天’,”弗格森爵士说。 forum.sports.sina.com.cn

She looks at you incredulously.
她难以感到置信地看着你。 bbs.chinadaily.com.cn

Told that he was live on screen in New York too, he asks incredulously: “ Am I really, are you serious?”
当被告知他同时也出现在纽约萤幕上时,他则半信半疑地说:「是真的吗?你是认真的吗?」 taipeitimes

We stood there dripping and filthy and searched our clothes for tickets that had never been there, while the attendant eyed us incredulously.
我们在收票口装成寻找衣服的每个口袋。在那时间里站员以怀疑的眼神骨碌碌地盯著我们的样子。 rutgers

When Rhett Butler told Scarlett she was pregnant again, the Rhett Butler asked incredulously Whose child?
当郝思嘉告诉白瑞德她已经再次怀孕时,白瑞德怀疑地问那是谁的孩子? bbs.mso.com.cn




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