

单词 incredibly
释义 in·cred·i·bly 英ɪnˈkredəblɪ美ɪn'krɛdəbli 高COCA⁵⁶⁵¹BNC⁷⁴⁷¹iWeb²⁵⁶⁰Economist²⁰⁴⁰⁷⁺

not easy to believe;

behind you the coastal hills plunge to the incredibly blue sea backed by the Turkish mountains

exceedingly; extremely;

she plays fabulously well

incredib-ly像⇒adv.极其²⁰;难以置信地⁸⁰adv.很;极为;非常地;极端地;异乎寻常地;惊人地;不可思议地词根记忆in不+cred相信+ibly→不能相信地近义词 very很really实在extremely非常awfully非常地absurdly荒诞地amazingly惊奇地exceedingly非常improbably未必然地exceptionally格外地fantastically空想地fabulously难以置信地implausibly难以置信地unbelievably难以相信地extraordinarily非常格外反义词 credibly可靠地

用作副词This movie isincrediblythrilling.这部电影真是无比惊悚。
I find these chairsincrediblyuncomfortable.我觉得这些椅子非常不舒服。
Man can beincrediblyintelligent at the point of danger.人类在危险时就会异常机智。
She lookedincrediblysexy in a black evening gown.她穿着黑色的晚礼服,显得性感极了。
Prices there areincrediblyhigh.那儿的物价高得令人难以置信。
The new play isincrediblyboring.这部新上演的话剧乏味得令人难以置信。adv.amazingly
同义词 especially,fabulously,strangely,uncommonlyastonishingly
反义词 commonly,normally,unexceptionally,usually
a lotadverb greatly
all,all in all,altogether,considerably,emphatically,entirely,exceedingly,extremely,highly,immensely,infinitely,intensely,largely,markedly,notably,powerfully,substantially,totally,tremendously,wholesale,wholly
greatlyadverb considerably
abundantly,by much,conspicuously,eminently,emphatically,enormously,exceedingly,exceptionally,extremely,famously,glaringly,highly,hugely,immeasurably,immensely,in great measure,incalculably,incomparably,incredibly,indeed,infinitely,inimitably,intensely,largely,markedly,mightily,most,much,notably,on a large scale,powerfully,remarkably,strikingly,superlatively,supremely,surpassingly,tremendously,vastly,very much
veryadverb much, really;to a high degree
absolutely,acutely,amply,astonishingly,awfully,certainly,considerably,dearly,decidedly,deeply,eminently,emphatically,exaggeratedly,exceedingly,excessively,extensively,extraordinarily,extremely,greatly,highly,incredibly,indispensably,largely,notably,noticeably,particularly,positively,powerfully,pressingly,pretty,prodigiously,profoundly,remarkably,substantially,superlatively,surpassingly,surprisingly,terribly,truly,uncommonly,unusually,vastly,wonderfully And most importantly, I’m incredibly happy and excited every second of the day because I’m doing what I love every second.
最重要的是,一天的每一秒我都非常的开心和激动,因为每一秒我都做着我喜欢做的事情。 yeeyan

Another method of communication could be through the use of incredibly powerful pulsed lasers, such as those now being developed for nuclear fusion reactors.
另一种通讯方法可能是使用诸如现在为核聚变反应堆开发的那些非常强大的脉冲激光器。 yeeyan

Both are incredibly successful in their own domains, but they are inconsistent with one another.
二者在各自领域都取得了难以置信的成功,但他们之间却又相互矛盾。 ecocn

Break everything down to its simplest form and all you have is a pile of incredibly tiny bits of string.
所有东西解构到最简单形态后,你所得到就只是一堆不可思议的微小的弦比特。 yeeyan

He is intelligent, funny, surprising and brave— exactly like Bilbo and I feel incredibly proud to be able to announce that he is our Hobbit.
他很聪明、风趣、令人惊奇并且很勇敢——这和比尔博如出一辙,能宣布他就是我们的比尔博我感到非常骄傲。 bbs.internet.org.cn

I had written three books before and I was intimately aware of just how incredibly time- consuming they are.
在我清楚的意识到那项工作是多么难以置信的耗时以前,我已经写了三本书。 yeeyan

I shove forward one more time and, incredibly, the slab comes loose, and I tumble forward over it, caught in my own momentum.
我再一次向前猛推,难以置信的是,石碑松了,我向前跌倒在它上面,我自己的冲力使我摔倒。 yeeyan

I volunteer because I find something incredibly satisfying about acting in a way that is consistent with my principles.
我去做志愿者是因为我发现有些行为能够难以置信地满足我与我的原则保持一致的需要。 yeeyan

It also requires wisdom to find the right balance, but once the teams I worked on took the leap, it was incredibly worthwhile.
还需要智慧来找到正确的平衡,但一旦我工作的团队开始起步,就是难以置信的值得。 ibm

Many have commented on my work ethic, but I don’t see myself as an incredibly hard worker, I just love what I do.
很多人评价过我的职业道德,但是我并不认为自己是一个非常努力的人,我只是喜欢我做的事。 yeeyan

Modern relational databases have incredible amounts of capacity and perform incredibly well on multiple CPU systems.
现代的关系数据库具有惊人的容量,在多 CPU系统上执行效果非常好。 ibm

Nor is it sufficient merely to call, as some on the left incredibly have done, for the ‘ break-up of the Murdoch empire’.
它也只是打电话,即使左翼的一些人为了“默多克帝国”的结束令人难以置信的都做了。 blog.sina.com.cn

Not only is this incredibly unfriendly to the end user, it also reveals information about the application.
这不仅对最终用户非常不友好,也暴露了应用程序的有关信息。 ibm

Social change on this level is incredibly complex, and the smartest reformers are the ones who seem to have the fewest answersbut the best questions.
这个层面上的社会变革无疑是非常复杂的,最聪明的改革者却是有最少的回答代之最棒的问题。 yeeyan

The fact is incredibly exaggerated.

This isn’t a lonely path— it’s actually an incredibly social path.
这不是一条孤独的路——实际上,这是一条非常社会的路径。 yeeyan

To adopt this view, you have to believe we were incredibly lucky.
要接受这个观点,除非你相信我们有难以置信的幸运。 yeeyan

Incredibly, several eyewitnesses on the bay at the time the tsunami struck, lived to tell the tale.
不可思议的是,海啸发生时在海湾有几个目击者生还,得以讲述这段神奇故事。 yeeyan

Incredibly, there are also stories of places where catfish have attacked and even eaten people.
难以置信!到处都有关于鲶鱼袭击人类甚至吃人的地方传说。 yeeyan




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