

单词 inconveniencing
释义 in·con·ven·ience 英ˌɪnkən'viːniəns美ˌɪnkən'viːniəns COCA⁹⁴³²²BNC¹⁴⁴⁶⁶⁴⁺³
an inconvenient discomforta difficulty that causes anxietythe quality of not being useful or convenient
to cause inconvenience or discomfort to;

Sorry to trouble you, but…

put someone to inconvenience使某人感到不便…
近义词 pest害虫bother烦扰hassle困难trouble困难put out熄灭disrupt干扰disturb扰乱problem问题headache头痛annoyance烦恼worriment烦恼difficulty困难awkwardness笨拙disturbance扰乱nuisance讨厌的人disadvantage不利embarrassment困窘aggravation更恶化discommode使不方便troublesomeness困难untimeliness不合时宜incommodiousness狭窄incommode使感不便…disoblige 不满足 … 的愿望…反义词 convenience便利

用作名词The loss of her purse caused her muchinconvenience.丢失钱包给她带来了诸多不便。
Please accept our apologies for anyinconveniencewe have caused.若有不便,敬请原谅。
He apologized for theinconveniencehe had caused.他为打扰了人家而道歉。用作及物动词All the residents have beeninconveniencedby the road works.居民们都因筑路工程而感到不便。
I hope it won'tinconvenienceyou too much.我希望此事不会给你带来过多的不便。
I hope it won'tinconvenienceyou to drive me to the station.我希望你驾车送我到车站不会使你感到不便。verb.bother, trouble
同义词 aggravate,disrupt,disturb,irkdiscombobulate,discommode,discompose,disoblige,exasperate,interfere,meddle,try,upsetgive a hard time,give trouble,hang up,make it tough,put in a spot,put on the spot,put to trouble
反义词 appease,arrange,organize,soothe,calm,delight,make happy,pleaseaid,assist,be convenient,benefit,help When he did hold a news conference, he apologized for“ inconveniencing the customers.”
而即便在他召开新闻发布会时,他也仅仅是对“给顾客带来不便”表示歉意。 hjenglish

Backup processes are lengthy, inconveniencing users who download new content daily.
备份过程是漫长的,使用户不方便每天下载新的内容。 bbs.21ic.com

In response, the government warned airlines against inconveniencing passengers and offered talks.
作为回应,政府警告航空公司不要给乘客造成不便,并表示愿意进行谈判。 ecocn

That frees up room1 for the newcomer, and accommodates everyone else as well though inconveniencing them by the move.
这样1号房间留给了新的客人,其他客人也各得其所虽然换房给他们带来不便。 yeeyan

This way you will avoid inconveniencing others.
这样你就能避免给别人带来不便。 bbs.chinadaily.com.cn

We can also guess that such a toothbrush may hurt the man’s teeth as well as his mood, inconveniencing him greatly.
我们可以猜到这支牙刷不仅可能伤害这个人的牙齿,也破坏了他的心情,给他带来了很多不便。 iciba




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