

单词 in clusters
释义 in clusters短语²¹⁵⁰⁷
The lung buds are not found in clusters, and they do not send any signals to our brains.
肺部的味蕾不是成群的,而且他们不向大脑发送任何信号。 yeeyan

These ice circles have been seen with diameters of over500 feet and can also at times be found in clusters and groups at different sizes.
有人见过直径500英尺的冰环,也可以看见不同尺寸的冰环同时出现的景象。 tcwpw

These warts are non- malignant, occurring either singularly or scattered in clusters.
这些湿疣并非恶性,单独出现或分散成簇。 dxy

They also have eyes grouped in clusters of six on the four sides of their bell.
它们还有六组眼睛,聚生在其钟状物的四周。 yeeyan




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