

单词 incline
释义 in·cline 英ɪnˈklaɪn美ɪnˈklaɪnAHDĭn-klīnʹ ☆☆☆☆☆高四六研I46八TCOCA¹⁹⁴³⁰BNC²¹⁶⁸⁵iWeb¹¹⁶⁵⁴

vi. & vt. 使倾斜,使偏向

cause to move down

vi. & vt. 使认为,使倾向

encourage or cause sb to feel, think, etc.

an elevated geological formation;

he climbed the steep slope

the house was built on the side of a mountain

an inclined surface connecting two levels
have a tendency or disposition to do or be something; be inclined;

She tends to be nervous before her lectures

These dresses run small

He inclined to corpulence

bend or turn one's ear towards a speaker in order to listen well;

He inclined his ear to the wise old man

lower or bend the head or upper body, as in a nod or bow;

She inclined her head to the student

be at an angle;

The terrain sloped down

feel favorably disposed or willing;

She inclines to the view that people should be allowed to expres their religious beliefs

make receptive or willing towards an action or attitude or belief;

Their language inclines us to believe them

incline, predispose

incline指思想感情上已经偏向某种可能情况, predispose强调某人事先就倾向于已经存在的观点或安排。

用作动词 v.
~+名词inclineone's ear to倾听副词+~specially incline 特别想strongly inclineto很赞成~+副词inclineforward向前倾身过去~+介词inclinefor a cup of tea想喝杯茶inclinefor a walk想去散散步inclineto〔towards〕偏爱…,倾向于,有…倾向inclineto anger使生气inclineto laziness爱偷懒inclineto the opinion倾向于那个看法inclineto sb's view比较同意某人的看法inclinetowards meat喜爱吃肉inclinetowards the second alternative倾向于第二种选择
incline forward v.+adv.

向前曲身,探身 bend forward, lean forward

incline forwardThe partly deaf man inclined forward to hear the conversation more clearly.那个耳朵半聋的人把身子往前凑,以便把谈话听得更清楚。
The mirror is so badly placed that the driver has to incline forward to see anything in it.镜子的位置放得不好,司机必须前倾身子,才能看到映在里面的东西。
incline to v.+prep.

使具有…倾向 (cause to be likely to have, do or think)

incline to sthThe road inclines to the right.这条路偏向右边。incline to sthThe colour is yellow inclining to green.那颜色是黄中带绿的。incline to sthI incline to tiredness in winter.我在冬天易感疲倦。
His family have always inclined to overweight.他家里的人都趋于肥胖。
The chairman inclined to the first view.主席倾向于第一种意见。
Neither side in the dispute inclined to compromise.争执中的双方谁也不肯妥协。incline sb to sthTheir attitude inclined me to anger.他们的态度使我感到愤怒。
My experience inclines me to the view that he is not to be trusted.我的经验使我觉得,他这个人靠不住。
Increasing knowledge inclines one to further study.与日俱增的知识使人倾向于更进一步的研究。
The elderly are inclined to cold.上了年纪的人容易感冒。
I am more inclined to doing homework than to going to the movie.我倾向于做作业,而不是看电影。
incline towards v.+prep.

倾向于 (cause to move one's opinion or belief)

非常记忆in里面〖熟词〗+c月亮〖编码〗+line路线〖熟词〗⇒在房间里看月亮升起的路线倾向于斜线GRE难词记忆incline→in+cline=to bend 弯曲→to causeto bend→倾斜in进入,趋向,驱使+clin倾斜+e⇒倾斜,使倾斜。词根记忆in进入+cline=进入斜=偏向,喜爱词根记忆in+cline倾斜→斜坡词根记忆in+cline倾斜→斜坡近义词 bow弓run跑side边tip小费lean倾斜hill小山tend趋向move移动bend弯曲sway摇动rise上升fall落下ramp坡道slope倾斜slant倾斜grade等级pitch球场affect影响induce引起ascent上升dispose清除tilt使倾斜persuade说服influence影响prejudice偏见gradient倾斜度predispose使易罹患反义词 disincline使人不愿意
S+~+to- vI incline to take the opposite point of view.我倾向于反对观点。
Older people incline to rise up early.老年人常常起得早。
We are all inclined to mourn the passing of old institutions.我们常为失去古老的习俗而惋惜。
S+~+ n./pron.Mother inclined her cheek and her little daughter gave it a kiss.母亲俯下身来,她的小女儿在她的脸颊上亲了一口。
Do you feel inclined for a swim with me?你愿意和我一起游泳吗?
I'm inclined to think the teacher is right.我觉得老师是对的。
Bill did not seem specially inclined to talk to her.比尔不太想和她说话。
I’m sometimes inclined to believe that she has gone mad.有时候我觉得她疯了。
I'm inclined to agree with them.我倾向于同意他们的意见。
He is inclined to be lazy.他总是懒洋洋的。Pdisinclinevt.使不愿使不欲Pdisinclineda.不愿意的无意于…的Pinclineda.倾向于…的想要…的可能的趋向于…的



incline用作不及物动词时,可表示“倾斜,倾向于,偏向于,偏于,常常容易”等意思,后面可接介词短语; 后直接接动词不定式很少见。


用作名词The houses followed the curve of the road, which wound up a slightincline.这些房子沿着道路有些倾斜的曲线而建。
She plunged instantly down the slipperyincline.她立刻沿着光滑的斜坡向下跌落。
Galileo rolled small metal balls down theincline.伽利略让小金属球从斜面滚下。用作动词Iinclineto his opinion on this matter.对这件事我倾向于他的观点。
Weinclinetowards the second alternative.我们比较同意第二种办法。
Iinclineto believe in his innocence.我倾向相信他没有罪。
His attitude did notinclineme to help him .他的态度没有使我想帮助他。
Lack of moneyinclinesmany young people towards crime.缺钱使很多年轻人产生了犯罪倾向。
Sheinclinedher head in prayer.她低头祈祷。
It's okay to let your upper bodyinclineforward a bit.可以让你的上半身前倾一些。
The landinclinedgently towards the shore.地面缓缓向海岸倾斜。noun.slope
同义词 acclivity,approach,ascent,cant,declivity,descent,dip,grade,gradient,inclination,lean,leaning,plane,ramp,rise,slant,tilt
反义词 decline,downgrade,fallverb.tend toward
同义词 bend,impel,persuade,predispose,prompt,swayaffect,bias,drive,favor,govern,induce,influence,look,move,prefer,prejudice,turn,vergebe disposed,be partial,be predisposed,be willing,gravitate toward,lean toward,make willing,not mind
反义词 discourage,dissuade,prevent,repress,stop,suppress,be fair be just,dislike,halt,hinderverb.bend, lean
同义词 skew,tend,tiltaim,bevel,bow,cant,deviate,diverge,heel,lay,level,list,lower,nod,point,recline,slant,slope,stoop,tip,train,turn,veer,yaw
反义词 lie,neglect,stay,straighten
anglenoun shape formed by two lines meeting at a point
anglesnoun shape formed by two lines meeting at a point
ascentnoun upward slope
bankverb lean or tilt
bankedverb lean or tilt
amassed,deposited,heaped,hilled,hoarded,invested,lay aside,lay away,massed,mounded,piled,put by,salt away,saved,socked away,speculated,squirreled,stashed
becameverb evolve into
altered to,assumed form of,be converted to,be reduced to,be reformed,be remodeled,be transformed into,came,came to was,changed into,converted,developed into,emerged as,eventually was,grew into,inclined,matured,metamorphosed,passed into,ripened into,shifted,turned into,turned out,waxed The plane banked as it came in for a landing, and to us this country called Switzerland seemed to be a place where everything, even the clouds, was on a steep incline that stretched to infinity.
飞机倾斜着飞行准备着陆,对我们来说,这个称作瑞士的国家似乎每样东西,甚至云彩在内,都处于陡峭的倾斜的状态无限地延伸出去。 yeeyan




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