

单词 incandescent bulb
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The light from the sun is incoherent light, so is the light from an incandescent bulb.

The relationship between the amount of light an incandescent bulb can produce and how long it will last is complicated, to say the least.
退一步说,一盏白炽灯能产生的亮度与其照明寿命之间的关系很复杂。 yeeyan

The winning LED lights beat out CFLs in energy savings, using upwards of80 percent less energy than an incandescent bulb.
胜出的 LED灯在节能方面击败了荧光灯,比白炽灯节约了80%以上的电能。 yousoon

It will offer the performance of a70-watt incandescent bulb but will draw only11 watts.
它的照明效果能达到70瓦的白炽灯效果,却只需11瓦的电能。 ecocn

One held an incandescent bulb, another a CFL. The third was for Sharenow’s LED.
其中一个是白炽灯,一个是节能灯,第三个就是 Sharenow的 LED。 yeeyan

The N200's light is only13.5 lumens on the high setting a 60- watt incandescent bulb is850 lumens. That's very dim, but it's comparable to a kerosene lamp.
一盏 N200灯光亮最高能达到13.5流明一只普通的60W白炽灯有850流明,虽然有点暗,但跟煤油灯比起来还是绰绰有余的。 yeeyan

Those in the field may disagree about the prospects of OLEDs, but they do seem to agree on one thing: the days of the incandescent bulb are numbered.
业内人士也许会对 OLED的前景持不同意见,但是都确实认可一件事情:白炽灯的日子屈指可数了。 ecocn




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