

单词 Inc
释义 Inc.

a heterogeneous collection of groups united in their opposition to Saddam Hussein's government of Iraq; formed in 1992 it is comprised of Sunni and Shiite Arabs and Kurds who hope to build a new government近义词 Iraqi National Congress伊拉克国民大会…

PalmInc, the No1 maker of hand-held electronic organizers, on Monday reported fiscal first-quarter operating results that topped analyst forecasts as sales more than doubled.掌上型个人电子助理制造商Palm周一公布财政年度第一季的财务报告,营运收入与获利均超越华尔街分析师的预估一倍以上。
Some firms, like Prudential-Bache SecuritiesInc. which had hoped to ride out the downturn by paring unprofitable businesses, are now abandoning lines they once viewed as essential, like investment banking.有些公司,例如普天寿—贝池证券公司曾希望以逐渐削减没有利润的生意的方式度过不景气,现在放弃商业融资等原来以为必要的营业。 In a statement, Chicago-based Playboy Enterprises Inc said the Mexican edition of the magazine is published by a licensee, and the company did not approve or endorse the cover.
在一份报告中,《花花公子》集团公司芝加哥大区声明:墨西哥版的杂志出版是有营业执照的,公司不会对这个封面表示道歉或者赞同意见。 yeeyan




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