

单词 Aboriginal people
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Its Australian journey began in the “ red center” of the continent at Uluru Ayers Rock, an immense rock sacred to the Aboriginal people.
澳大利亚的旅程起点在 Uluru大陆的“红色中心”艾尔斯岩,一块土著人奉为神明的巨石。 edu.sina.com.cn

“The Northern Territory was built on alcohol,” he says. “ Aboriginal people learned binge-drinking from non- aboriginal people.”
他说“北领地是酒精建成的,原住民从非原住民那里学会了狂饮”。 ecocn

Australia is a unique land. Its flora, its animals, and its aboriginal people differ significantly from those on any other part of the world's surface.
澳大利亚是一个奇特的国土,它不仅有独特的动植物,就连它的土著人都与世界上其它地区的土著人有着极大的不同。 cbe21

Australia will issue its first formal apology for past mistreatment to the country's Aboriginal people early next month.
澳大利亚将于2月向澳大利亚原住民过去遭受的欺辱首次做出正式道歉。 tingroom

She spoke of a “ malaise”, “ entrenched violence”, and of aboriginal people being “ overwhelmed time and time again by a fresh new tragedy”.
她所说的原住民的“萧条”,“根深蒂固的暴力”,“被一次又一次淹没在时间里是新的悲剧”。 ecocn

Used to be only eaten by Aboriginal people, but now a local delicacy.
原本是土著人的吃饭。现在成了当地的佳肴。 yeeyan

You think you are the master of the country, but others include aboriginal people are your property.
你认为你们是这个国家的主人,而其他人包括土著人是你们的财产。 blog.sina.com.cn

Aboriginal people used these Mangurri to carry things from place to place, and they were essentially soft rings put on the head to balance heavy loads.
土著们用这种曼固里头环在旅途中承托运送物品,这种头环质地柔软,能套在头上平衡支撑重物。 njmm




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