释义 |
inate 基本例句 稻手姓,日本 Frequency tracking and phase synchronous are useful to eliminatethe frequency leakage in signal an alysis.频率跟踪和相位同步,能消除信号分析中的频谱泄漏。 F ig.3 T he Rvs n forM I.T he figure a is forM I w ith in tron taken in order and the figure b is forM I w ith in-tron taken at random.T he absc issa g ives n and the coordinateg ives R.标题: a b图3内含子最概然分布的R随序列片段数n的拟合直线;图a为顺序片段组合;图b为随机片段组合;横坐标为序列片段数n;纵坐标为最概然分布的R值R. Keywords Alginatesodium;Meat products;Transparency;Water binding capacity;海藻酸钠;肉制品;复配;持水力; 3 T hresho ld vo ltage sh ifts of SO I NM O SFET atm ed ium vo ltage stressin s ing le logarithm coordinate;标题: 图3 SO I NM O SFET在中等栅压应力条件下的阈值电压漂移曲线半对数坐标系;双对数坐标系 F ig. |